Thursday, July 10, 2014

WAPO: Paul Ryan’s Presidential Stock is Rising

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) does not get a lot of buzz these days about the 2016 presidential nomination. That is in part by design. In focusing on policy issues and his transition to the Ways and Means Committee chairmanship, he lets others take on the bright, hot light of media attention and criticism. But his stock is nevertheless rising as a potential candidate. Here are 10 reasons why:
1. The return of Hillary Clinton and her shopworn ideas remind us what a stark contrast a Clinton vs. Ryan matchup would be: The tired liberal past against the new conservative reformer.
2. He is one of the few Republicans who avoids getting vilified either by the tea party or the establishment.
3. In a time of economic troubles and foreign policy turbulence, he brings much more experience than any of the freshmen GOP senators who are likely to run in 2016. He is, by any account, a serious person who has thought through public policy for years.
4. He has already been vetted and come up “clean” by the Romney campaign.
5. The criticism that he is not a charismatic figure, although overblown in my mind, is also now a bit of a blessing. The country has found out the hard way what a razzle-dazzle talker can be – a lousy president.
Read the rest of the op-ed HERE.

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1 comment:

  1. Ryan is about the only candidate I would find easy to support right now.

