Saturday, July 26, 2014

Op-ed: Judging Israel differently

Judging Israel differently  
By: Diane Sori

In defiance of Barack HUSSEIN Obama's and his brethren's goal of trying to finish off what the Nazis started...yesterday Israel's Security Council unanimously rejected...and rightfully so...John 'Swiftboat' Kerry's week long cease-fire proposal that favored Hamas and would do NOTHING but allow Hamas to regroup and rearm.

However, Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to a short 12-hour so-called 'humanitarian cease-fire' to send in food, water, and such to hard-hit civilian areas. But even with this Israel will still face condemnation NOT only on the world stage for their rejection of Kerry's cease-fire proposal but also here in the U.S., as witnessed by Harry Reid and his Democratic ilk's unmitigated gall of trying to tie in Israel's $225 million emergency funding request for their Iron Dome defense system to an immigration bill that would fund the ILLEGALS entering our country. And they're doing it for NO other reason than come election time they can say Republicans who voted against the bill are either anti-Israel or anti-children.

Nice huh...playing politics at the expense of the expense of the the expense of children.

Proposing a $3.6 billion bill that would address the border crisis...most specifically addressing the issue of unaccompanied children entering ILLEGALLY...Senate Appropriations Chairwoman Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), the bill's author, chose to include the funding for Israel...and to include monies needed to fight wildfires of all her proposal so that a rejection of the bill would amount to cutting all monies Israel needs to defend herself against those wishing to wipe her off the map.

And sadly, among those who condemn Israel every chance they get is the U(seless) N(ations). In fact, in the days just before Israel's rejection of Kerry's proposal, they launched an international inquiry on the Palestinians behalf into what they call Israel's human rights violations and crimes committed during this Gaza offensive. But the UN really needs to stop calling the kettle black as they are the very ones who have allowed Hamas to store its rockets and bombs beneath their United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNWRA) schools for displaced children.

But even sadder was the vote tally on said inquiry...which became the resolution the Palestinians wanted. And while the U.S. did vote NO on the resolution, 29 nations voted in favor of condemning Israel, and 17 nations abstained including all nine European Union members on the 47-member panel.

Never mind that Hamas deliberately stores their missiles under schools, hospitals, and civilian enclaves...never mind that they know Israel tries its best NOT to harm children or civilians...never mind that when any of their human shields are hurt or killed Hamas will parade their bloodied and lifeless bodies in front of the international media as they cry on cue for the cameras that those lost are victims of Israeli aggression...never mind all this as placing the blame on Israel is all that matters.

And Hamas uses these deaths for propaganda as the dead are worth more to their cause than are worth the lives of the living. Reasoning in their own disturbed minds that their actions are done in the name of allah as per the Hukm al-Tatarrus (the current islamic law on using human shields) which states in part that muslims are to “accept the idea of sacrificing the shield and engage in a fierce war using weapons of mass destruction," Hamas claims to be God's holy warriors...allah's warriors. But they're warriors in their minds alone...warriors who seek revenge against the Jews for their (self-perceived) injustices against muslims, but what they really are is cowards for when one hides behind women and children a holy warrior is something you are NOT.

And those western nations that vote against Israel time and again, as well as Barack HUSSEIN Obama himself, do NOT care about any of this for Israel's demise is their collective goal. This resolution vote, as with all previous votes against Israel, boils down to choosing to side with barbarians over choosing to side with the Jews. And there are only two reasons for this lack of support for Israel...the obvious being the UN and Obama's muslim ties and sympathies and the other involves the old hatreds...for the fact is many still blame the Jews for the death of Jesus. These are the same people who forget that Jesus was born, lived as, and died as a Jew...they forget that Jesus the Jew knew NOTHING of the Christians who came after...they forget that God could have stopped His death if He so chose...and they forget that only by Jesus' death could Christianity be born.

But NO matter as the bottom line remains that the destruction of Israel is Hamas' goal as witnessed by their very actions. Instead of fighting with those who only want to live in peace, Hamas could have chosen to use their abundant monetary resources to build schools, to pave roads, to build hospitals, but instead they chose to build shoot rockets...choosing to fight a battle that in the end they will surely lose. And remember, each time Hamas asked for and got a cease-fire they and they alone broke it.

So while Israel will sadly continue to lose its sons and daughters in this current battle...that is unless they go forward with all guns blazing so to speak...the civilized man understands this is a fight to the death...a fight for Israel's very survival...a fight that allows for NO compromise with the enemy nor does it allow for negotiations with those who side with said enemy. And know that this is NOT a battle about the small sliver of land that is Israel, but is about Hamas' self-perceived call for revenge over events that happened during the time of the Old orchestrated by the hand of God before the time of allah...even if it means that to seek that misguided revenge they have to kill their own people and blame it on Israel.

And that is indeed evil personified and the saddest thing of all.

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1 comment:

  1. This entire administration so so anti-Israel it's not real!! Do they not realize that Israel is our ALLY and Palestine wants to destroy us as well?
