Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Do We have Our First Dead Representative in the House? (auto-on-audio)

A failed Oklahoma congressional candidate says his Tuesday primary race against a sitting congressman was a sham---because it is common knowledge the lawmaker is dead and has been replaced with a body double.
Tulsa World reports that Rep. Frank Lucas soundly defeated Timothy Ray Murray and one other opponent in the Republican primary for his House seat Tuesday.
However Murray, who garnered 5.2 percent of the vote, announced Wednesday he is not giving up without a fight and will contest the race.
Timothy Ray Murray or is it?
His reason? He says Lucas, who has served in Congress since 1994, was killed in Ukraine in 2011 and replaced with a lookalike, which he suggests could be some kind of robot.
“It is widely known Rep. Frank D. Lucas is no longer alive and has been displayed by a look alike (sic),” he said on his website, adding that “we know that it is possible to use look alike artificial or manmade replacements.”
Read the rest of the Story HERE.

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  1. This guy is not just in the Twilight zone, he's a big Tea Party member.

    enough said on that! Crazy is as crazy does.

  2. I don't understand the reason for mentioning (whether true or false) this nut being a Tea Party member. He is obviously a certifiable flake, but so is the current Commander in Chief.

    I don't think many people understand that the so-called tea Party is a grass roots group of Americans that simply have had enough of the 'promise now but backslide later' politicians we have in DC today. Throw mud all you want at the so-called Tea Party, but the march on Washington by the Tea Party was the absolute largest assembly ever on the Capital Grounds. Not a whole lot of people are actual 'Members' of this large group,but they agree in principal with what the group stands for: Following Constitutional Law, smaller, more responsible and responsive government, and an adherence to the Oath Of Office for all politicians. That's it. Simple and sweet.

  3. Amen,jm4738. It is unfortunate that ignorant trolls who are nothing more than two faced liberal hacks, try to paint American citizens who are the core of American society as right wing haters. Even we as Tea Party backers dislike and will willingly take issue with those who spew vile racism and hatred laced conversation advocating violence against those we may not exactly wish to embrace. But it isn't so with those such as the liberal trolls. They not only spew hatred against normal, hard working Americans, but the patriots who have defended this nation. Rather than being the core of America, they are the rot. They try to silence us, disarm us, and to put us into a box labeled crazy, to be forgotten. We will not go silently or easy. As for the guy the article was about, I don't know enough about him to make a judgement. I also know nothing about the writer. The guy may have tried to use sour grapes sarcasm after losing, and the writer maybe just as hateful as your previous critic. But the people of his district spoke. This case is far different than the Mississippi case where the incumbent's election team recruited the real brain dead crooks who are so easily swindled, to break voter laws. Something the previous critic probably thinks is heroic and an American ideal.

  4. One last thought, after reviewing the incumbent's voting record, I'm sure that the anonymous critic would have supported the incumbent. Except to lose, that is. The incumbent Congressman's voting record is 180% opposite of what the radical dope smoking, baby killing, gun grabbing, anti-American leftists love. I'm sure that folks like Anonymous are actually disappointed that this so called crack pot didn't win. But one can neither assume the Anonymous critic is intellectually honest enough to admit that, or that the blogs he reads were not smart enough to support the crack pot to defeat a great Congressman. As a Tea Party backer, we cannot control, and neither do we want to say, who or who can't run for an office. We will listen and either support or withhold our support from a candidate. I don't blindly follow anyone. Neither did the people in this Congressman's district. It is not the first time that someone threw their hat into an election and proved themselves to lack judgement, or to make a gaff remark that was blown out of control by extremists or the supporters of the other candidates. But we have had interlopers who were actually losers placed there by the whack jobs of the left to try to divide the General election outcomes. But for the most part, what is different from this poor candidate compared to the sitting members of the Congress and Senate who have publicly stated that we landed on Mars and Neil Armstrong planted a flag there, or that the island of Guam will tip over if too many Marines are stationed there? You can bet the anonymous critic would defend those lunatics until hell freezes over.
