Sunday, July 20, 2014

Children trying to sneak across Our Border aren’t always alone .. but the 'Unaccompanied' image that they are is Very Effective

The "unaccompanied minors" who walked out of the brush on the banks of the Rio Grande and turned themselves into Border Patrol officers last month were not, technically, unaccompanied. In the group of 15 people that we watched that night, about half of them appeared to be adults, including men and a woman carrying a baby, in addition to several children.
It's the most potent image in the current immigration crisis: Tens of thousands of Central American children on a dangerous solo exodus out of their countries. But from what I've seen reporting on this issue from the U.S. border and in Honduras, it is also somewhat misleading.
The term "Unaccompanied Alien Children," or UACs, as used by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, refers to people up to age 17 who are traveling without a parent or legal guardian. It does not mean they are traveling alone.
In migrant shelters in Mexico and Honduras, talking to both children and adults who are making these journeys, or have been deported after failing to reach the United States, the most common scenario seems to be children who are traveling in groups that include adult relatives, neighbors, smugglers or others. Often the children migrating already have one or more parents living in the United States, and they are considered "unaccompanied," even if traveling with other adult relatives.
This is not to diminish the desperate circumstances these children are leaving behind, the dangers of the journey, or the strain this is causing on the Border Patrol and immigration infrastructure in the United States. Just that the term is somewhat of a misnomer.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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