Wednesday, July 30, 2014

At least 30.000 More Young ILLEGALS will be Getting U.S. Classroom Seats

American kids and teenagers will be sharing their already-crowded classrooms with tens of thousands of ill-educated Central American migrants this fall, because President Obama is distributing perhaps 100,000 Central American migrants across the country.
The Central American student “have very, very limited amounts of education [and] in some cases, they cannot count to 10,” said Caroline Woodason, assistant director for student support at the public schools in Dalton, Ga. “They can’t turn on a computer. They’ve never even seen a computer,” she told the Dalton Daily Citizen.
In Fairfax, Va., “teachers [are] dealing with children not just learning English but years below expected grade/achievement level,” education specialist Robin Hamby, told The Washington Post. In early 2014, her district already had 5,192 Central American students, up 22 percent since 2011.
In Lynn, Mass., the foreign youths “are not literate in any language,” said Catherine Latham, the superintendent of schools. “The school system is overwhelmed, our health department is overwhelmed,” she told Fox News in Boston.
Read the rest of the story HERE and view related videos below:

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  1. Since the government mandates testing their scores will decimate some school's numbers!!! This isn't fair to our children!!!! These 'children' need to be sent home~~

  2. Shoot em or let the traffickers do it.

  3. I forgot to sign-in above.
