Thursday, May 1, 2014

Vulnerable Democrats in Congress would rather talk about anything other than OBAMACARE

To many Democrats, ObamaCare is a four-letter word. 
Most Democrats in competitive elections are seeking to avoid the topic, opting not to tout the controversial law on their campaign websites. In a review of battleground races, The Hill found that out of 50 Democratic candidates with active campaign websites, only 11 mention the healthcare law by name, either as "ObamaCare," "Affordable Care Act," or "ACA." Fourteen more mention the law, but not its name, and half the candidates omit it entirely from their websites.
President Obama has trumpeted that more than 8 million people have enrolled in ACA-related plans. Meanwhile, congressional Democrats have been more cautious, focusing on jobs and the economy.
"On campaign websites, nobody has to say anything they don't want to say," said David Karol, associate professor of government at the University of Maryland. "What they have on their website shows what they think will be helpful to them — not what is important to them."
Republicans, on the other hand, clearly find talking about ObamaCare helpful, as 55 out of the 83 candidates in the same House contests mentioned the law by name on their websites. 
The same trends were seen in an analysis of Senate candidates' websites. Of 37 Republican candidates with active websites, 27 mentioned ObamaCare by name. In the same races, 14 of 20 Democrats don't mention it at all, including Sens. Mark Begich (Alaska), Kay Hagan(N.C.), Mary Landrieu (La.), Mark Udall (Colo.) and John Walsh (Mont.) as well as challengers Michelle Nunn (Ga.) and Alison Lundergan Grimes (Ky.).
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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1 comment:

  1. ______________________________________

    OBAMA's former Chief of Staff says:

    Don't let the FINANCIAL CRISES go to waste !!!
    So they passed the ACA aka ObamaCare.


    TEAM Barak Obama use a novel approach to pass the ACA:

    Let’s recap:

    If you like your insurance policy, you can keep it.

    No, wait.

    If you liked your policy, it was probably worthless anyway.

    Scratch that.


    If your junk policy was canceled and you still want it,

    you can keep it. _ Er, get it back.




    Democrats see the benefits of misleading voters

    http: //


    A torrent of fresh and frightening polling —

    53 percent — 38 percent,
    the poll shows the voters most interested
    in this coming election favor Republicans.

    ObamaCare remains unpopular enough
    that Democrats, for the most part,
    have refused to run on it.

    Democrats hold their collective breath,
    in fear of a spike in premiums

    set by insurance companies in the late summer
    could create a wave that

    costs them 10 seats or more in the Senate.


    FINANCIAL CRISIS of 2008 still Linger ON

    and will take many more years to dispate
    it's Financial PAIN on the USA economy.


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    Reveals CRA Fueled Subprime Bubble


    Articles Dump Reveals

    TEAM Bill Clinton & Wall Street
    Fueled FINANCIAL CRISIS of 2008


    Wall Street built a DOOMSDAY MACHINE
    Turning Garbage into GOLD


    The True Story of the Financial Crisis


    Brooksley Born, Alan Greenspan, and The Warning


    The 2008 Banking Collapse and the Great Recession

    Inside the Doomsday Machine
    Michael Lewis


    Wall Street's Delusion — 60 Minutes


    The Brass Standard

