Monday, May 12, 2014

The GOP seeks More Control over the 2016 Debates Process

The Republican Party is moving to take control of its presidential-debate process, aiming to cut the number of events by more than half and play a larger role in selecting the dates, moderators and hosts. 
The Republican National Committee on Friday voted 152-7 to create an internal governing body for presidential debates. The 13-member group, which will be appointed in the coming weeks, will be responsible for planning dates, finding partners and approving moderators.
The move is a response to complaints that the 20 debates of the 2012 cycle were too many and left the front-runner damaged. "If the RNC doesn't control them, then you have a media free-for-all," RNC Chairman Reince Priebus said Friday. "We have to make sure the RNC controls the debate process, not the media." 
Mr. Priebus said he expected the number of 2016 primary debates to be "south of 10." The RNC said it would work with networks to identify questioners and moderators that meet its approval.
Mitt Romney, the 2012 GOP presidential nominee, was one of a number of candidates who complained of too many debates. At the same time, the platform of regular debate appearances on national television benefited less-well-funded candidates, who wouldn't otherwise have had access to national TV audiences.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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  1. Hillary Clinton is the presumed Democrates' 2016 frontrunner

    Bill Clinton would bring his past bagage to the future ENDEAVOR:

    The Clinton–era Roots of the Financial Crisis

    Affordable-housing goals established in the 1990s
    by the Bill CLINTON administration
    led to a massive increase in risky, subprime mortgages.

    The Bill Clinton administration drafted Fannie Mae,
    Freddie Mac and the commercial banking system
    into the affordable-housing effort.

    » Pressuring banks to make subprime loans

    » The people who destroyed lending standards
    _ _ by driving subprime lending

    » Pres. Bill CLINTON & Robert RUBIN
    _ _ unleashed Wall Street RISK–taking


    Clinton–era Roots of the Financial Crisis

    Banks’ Self-Dealing Super-Charged Financial Crisis

    As investors left the market in the run-up to the meltdown,
    Wall Street created fake demand, increasing their bonuses —
    and ultimately making the crisis worse.

    In Bed with Wall Street
    Systemic Financial Frauds
    The Conspiracy Crippling Our Global Economy

    * * * * * *

    Money, Power and Wall Street
    FRONTLINE tells the inside story of the global financial crisis.

    * * * * *

  2. The commentator writes that "
    Hillary Clinton is the presumed Democrates' 2016 frontrunner "

    Incorrect: Hillary IS the '16 democratic frontrunner. Take a look at the odd Dem poll if you would.

    Next, the commentator proceeded to rant and rave about former President Bill Clinton.
    It should be advised to the commentator, that Bill Clinton is NOT the one running for president again. Indeed, he is constitutionally not able to.


  3. Why Pence ?

    Indiana Gov. Mike Pence’s now very visible interest
    in a presidential run in 2016.

    As for the substance of the message,
    Mike Pence is perhaps uniquely
    able to carry out a vision of modernization.

    And having worked both in state and federal government
    and as a lawmaker and executive, he may have
    a unique perspective on what each can do best.

    The component parts (gravitas, foreign policy knowledge,
    wide appeal, well-rounded experience)
    are not easy to find in a single person.


    GOP woos Mike Pence for 2016,
    and Indiana governor says he’s ‘listening’


    GOP 2014 surge is visible earlier

    Democratic Pollster:

    Dems should Not Run
    on their INCOMPETENT Governing Record


    The Hollowing–Out of Obama’s Coalition

    The center isn't holding for him — or his party.

    Current polling suggests that Obama’s coalition
    is hollowing out because of
    significant erosion at its center.

    Such a movement is cause for concern well beyond this coming November.

    While control of Congress is at stake now, in two years
    control of the White House will be on the line as well.

    * * *

    * * *



  4. ___________________________________

    IF the American people knows the full extent of
    the DAMAGE that Team Bill CLINTON did to the
    USA economy, they would NOT consider Hillary for 2016.

    Robert RUBIN was Bill CLINTON's Treasury secretary --
    a Wall Street Fatcat.

    Wall Street built a DOOMSDAY MACHINE.
    Bill CLINTON forced his Affordable-Housing Crusade on the USA economy.

    Main Street American are suffering --
    Wall Street gets Federal Reserve's QE Trillions of dollars.


    Hillary Clinton you remember your friend's Tribulation ?

    Long before the economic meltdown,

    the story of one woman who tried to warn
    about the threat to the financial system.

    She saw something that
    people either had not seen or refused to see.
    And she tried to sound the warning. Nobody listened.

    Before the toxic assets poisoned the economy,
    she warned of their danger.

    And that made her the enemy of
    a very, very large number of people.

    She would fight an epic battle with
    one of the most powerful men in Washington.
    It got pretty nasty pretty quickly.

    A story from inside the highest levels
    of the Bill CLINTON administration.

    They were all part of a very concerted effort
    to shut her up and to shut her down.

    And they did, in fact,
    shut her up and shut her down.


    Hillary Clinton: It is too bad that
    Bill CLINTON's Financial Team beat up your friend.

    » Pres. Bill CLINTON & Robert RUBIN
    _ _ unleashed Wall Street RISK–taking

    » Pressuring banks to make subprime loans

    The RESULT » the Financial Crisis of 2008


    Alan Greenspan, Brooksley Born, and The Warning

    * * *

    Wall Street built a DOOMSDAY MACHINE
    Turning GARBAGE into GOLD
    Michael Lewis

    * * *
