Thursday, May 29, 2014

Team Obama has decided to halt the reporting of Obamacare Enrollment Numbers .. Think it has something to do with Midterm Elections?

During the initial open enrollment period, the Obama administration released monthly enrollment reports that — even if they were exasperatingly incomplete and/or doctored in what data they chose to reveal — gave us at least some sort of idea of what was going on with the president’s crowning legislative achievement. Now that the Obama administration has that alleged 8 million sing-ups number to tout, however, they evidently no longer feel the need to even keep up the pretense of releasing regular reports on the law’s progress. As Politico reports (paywall):
The Obama administration has quietly decided to halt its monthly updates on Obamacare enrollment, which were a major pipeline of information about the impact of the health law heading into the 2014 campaign season. ‘HHS issued monthly enrollment reports during the first marketplace open enrollment period in order to provide the best understanding of enrollment activities as it was taking place,’ an HHS spokeswoman emailed. ‘Now that this time period has ended, we will look at future opportunities to share information about the marketplace that is reliable and accurate over time as further analysis can be done but we do not anticipate monthly reports.’ The agency offered no information about the timing or level of detail in any future updates.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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  1. _______________________________________________

    Endorsement Wins Are Adding Up for Mitt Romney

    Mitt Romney looks to be a Republican kingmaker


    Room to Grow -- Conservative reforms

    Room to Grow

    Conservative reforms for a limited government
    and a thriving middle class.



    Democrats Won't Run on Obamacare



    Washington Free Beacon


  2. ________________________________________

    The troubled start to the age of ObamaCare

    The president has been selectively
    implementing the health-care reform law
    as well as adding regulations to it,
    and he’d prefer the LAWLESSNESS and
    inherent CRONYISM of ObamaCare
    not be exposed to too much sunlight.

    The whole point of ObamaCare was
    to upend the entire health-care system,

    regardless of the fact that Democrats had to
    lie about it REPEATEDLEY and brazenly
    in order to get the bill passed.

    ObamaCare’s coverage expansion rested on
    two pillars. The first was
    an explicit government program,
    Medicaid — a failed and expensive program.

    The second pillar was to
    kick millions of Americans off
    their insurance policies
    and mandate by law
    that they buy a new policy.

    ObamaCare is designed to enable the government
    to CONTROL the health-insurance market
    by greatly restricting LEGAL health-care plans,

    raising the prices for those
    the government thinks can pay and
    offering subsidies to those who can’t.


    Nancy Pelosi:
    Obamacare is a stepping stone
    to the Single Payer System.




  3. ________________________________________
    Democrats’ research revealed: Go negative

    A “major internal research project” that shows
    Democrats should “portray Republicans as
    uncaring toward working-class Americans”
    in the 2014 campaign. So what’s new?

    Everyone knows if you don’t have a record
    or an affirmative message to run on,
    you have to go negative.
    It is not a good sign for the Democrats.

    No one needs any research to know that
    health care will be a defining issue
    of the 2014 campaign.

    The only thing worse for the Democrats
    than Obamacare is our economy,
    and it’s easy to link the two.

    Democrats’ high-priced campaign research
    tells them to go negative, make shallow and
    deceitful allegations about Republicans



    Comment by AllDone

    Research done by Dems shows that
    if a President has poll numbers
    in the low 40's he is not popular
    with the majority of Americans.

    Further research shows
    most of those who are in favor of him
    are out of touch with reality.

    Gotta love research.


    A More Modest and Effective Approach to Governing

    Jennifer Rubin did a three-part interview
    with Yuval Levin, Ramesh Ponnuru, and me
    on a new publication, Room To Grow,

    and our thoughts on a conservative reform agenda
    for the 21st century.



    Jennifer Rubin did a three-part interview

