Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Super PAC to spend $100 Million to back Democrats in Seven Senate and Gubernatorial Races

Setting his sights on Republicans who reject climate change, an environmentalist billionaire is unveiling plans to spend $100 million this year in seven competitive Senate and gubernatorial races, as his super PAC works to counteract a flood of conservative spending by the Koch brothers.
NextGen Climate Action said it plans to spend at least $50 million contributed by founder Tom Steyer, a retired hedge fund manager and longtime Democratic donor, and another $50 million the group is seeking to raise from likeminded donors. The money will be used to back Democrats and attack Republicans running for Senate in New Hampshire, Iowa, Colorado and Michigan, and for governor in Pennsylvania, Florida and Maine.
"Our goal is very clear: to impact the politics as it relates to climate in a time period that will result in policies that allow our country and the world to avoid the perils of climate change," said Chris Lehane, a Democratic strategist advising the super PAC. "In a sense, it's a race against time."
Tom Steyer
With Democrats on the defensive this year in races across the country, Steyer is pursuing a two-pronged goal: helping Democrats keep the Senate and capture governor's mansions, and elevating climate change as a make-or-break issue for voters. That effort comes despite the fact that Democrats are fighting most of their toughest races this year in conservative, oil-dependent states where even Democrats are seeking to fashion themselves as friendly to energy industry.
Read the full story HERE.

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  1. ________________________________________
    Democrats’ research revealed: Go negative

    A “major internal research project” that shows
    Democrats should “portray Republicans as
    uncaring toward working-class Americans”
    in the 2014 campaign. So what’s new?

    The Democrats’ “research” shows
    they will do better against Republicans in November
    if they go negative, speak in platitudes and
    use meaningless buzzwords. What a shock.

    Everyone knows if you don’t have a record
    or an affirmative message to run on,
    you have to go negative.
    It is not a good sign for the Democrats.

    No one needs any research to know that
    health care will be a defining issue
    of the 2014 campaign.

    The only thing worse for the Democrats
    than Obamacare is our economy,
    and it’s easy to link the two.

    Democrats’ high-priced campaign research
    tells them to go negative, make shallow and
    deceitful allegations about Republicans

    and continue trying to sell the usual Democratic promises
    and hide behind the same old denials.





  2. ________________________________________

    Comment by AllDone

    Research done by Dems shows that
    if a President has poll numbers
    in the low 40's he is not popular
    with the majority of Americans.

    Further research shows most of those
    who are in favor of him
    are out of touch with reality.

    Gotta love research.



  3. ________________________________________

    A More Modest and Effective Approach to Governing

    Jennifer Rubin did a three-part interview
    with Yuval Levin, Ramesh Ponnuru, and me
    on a new publication, Room To Grow,

    and our thoughts on a conservative reform agenda
    for the 21st century.





    Jennifer Rubin did a three-part interview






  4. Room to Grow -- Conservative reforms


    Room to Grow

    Conservative reforms for a limited government

    and a thriving middle class.


