Friday, May 16, 2014

Op-ed: The IRS scandal...all roads lead back to D.C.

The IRS scandal...all roads lead back to D.C.
By: Diane Sori

“These documents also confirm the unprecedented pressure from congressional Democrats to go after President Obama’s political opponents. The IRS scandal has now ensnared Congress.”
- Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton

Surprise, surprise...Lois Lerner...the newly found in 'Contempt of Congress' Lois Lerner...NOT only LIED but overstepped her bounds...actually abused her new documents surface courtesy of the watchdog group Judicial Watch and their FOIA lawsuit filed after the IRS refused to respond to four of their requests from as far back as May 2013. Giving added credence to those who call for a special prosecutor or Congressional select committee, these newly released unredacted documents now prove that the IRS targeting of TEA Party, conservative, and pro-life groups came directly out of D.C. and was NOT the fault of two 'supposedly' rogue agents in the IRS office in Ohio. In fact, these documents clearly show beyond a shadow of a doubt that NOT only were the documents coming out of D.C. but that 'officials' in D.C. actually instructed the Cincinnati, Ohio office on how to handle all TEA Party applications.

Like we patriots didn't know that from the get-go.

Adding to the already hot water he was in at the time concerning Benghazi and ObamaCare, remember Obama went on national television and in yet another teleprompted speech said that the IRS targeting scandal had nothing to do with either the election or with targeting opponents of his administration, but that IRS officials were confused about how to implement the law governing those kinds of tax-exempt groups, and that there was “Not even mass corruption...not even a smidgen of corruption" within the IRS. Well the now exposed e-mails just added another LIE to Barack HUSSEIN Obama's ever-growing list of LIES.

The IRS scandal first came to light last year and involved applications received between April 2010 and April 2012 when they basically put a hold on the processing of said applications for 501(c)(4) tax-exemption status from organizations and groups with TEA Party, patriots, or 9/12 in their names. And while none of these hundreds of applications were actually denied only four were approved, and when this came to light, faster than you can blink an eye, bought and paid for officials in D.C. immediately blamed the lowly Cincinnati office for the lack of processing of 'certain' applications.

However, now with this new email emanating directly from Lois Lerner showing how the BOLO lists (be on the lookout) were specifically created and criteria developed to target TEA Party groups; 9/12 groups; conservative groups; pro-life groups; groups with issues related to government spending, debt, and taxes; groups trying to educate the public through advocacy and/or legislative activities "to make America a better place to live;" and groups criticizing "how the country is being run;" you just know that more trouble is on the horizon for the ever-lying Lois Lerner.

And this damning evidence starts with an email dated July 6, 2012, when former Director of the IRS Rulings and Agreements Division and current Manager of Exempt Organizations Guidance, Holly Paz, sent said email to IRS Attorney Steven Grodnitzky asking for an explanation of how applications of TEA party groups were being handled....and Grodnitzky's response was that said applications were being handled in Washington.

Note Grodnitsky said 'handled in Washington' NOT in Ohio as was claimed.

And adding into the mix, the emails also show that Lerner failed to report some of her activities to Treasury in lies of omission...and that she was in direct contact with Eric Holder's Department of Justice about possible criminal prosecution of conservative groups. In her emails Lerner actually stated that putting one person from a conservative organization in jail would create an example and "shut the whole thing down."

Creating an other words 'selective enforcement' solely for the sake of Barack HUSSEIN Obama's re-election campaign...period.

And much to Lerner's horror, these tell-all emails expose that she was in direct contact with Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) who is now directly tied into the scandal as an up to this point unindicted co-conspirator. In fact, Levin, the chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Investigations, wrote several letters in 2012 to the IRS demanding that the agency look into the political activities of 'certain' nonprofits and if said nonprofits took part in any political activity that did NOT support Obama's re-election that they should be excluded from tax exempt status, and that “extensive pressure” by the IRS must be put on them in order to shut them down.

By the way, if you ask me, Carl Levin should be immediately removed from the Senate for his part in this scandal.

In other words this was all about putting TEA Party and conservative groups under the microscope throughout the entire 2012 election cycle so that any and all groups NOT bowing down to and supporting the re-election of the traitor-in-chief or his leftist agenda were targeted for both non-approval for tax-exempt status as well as for a potential shutdown. 

But the bottom line in this most grievous of a never ending list of scandals is that this targeting of 'certain' groups and organizations appears to be the handiwork of Democratic politicians, is backed by anti-TEA Party leftist groups, and controlled out of Washington. So if I was Lois Lerner I would be afraid...very afraid...for jail possibly awaits...and if I was her I'd start 'singing' and give up her know the boss I mean as in Barack HUSSEIN Obama...because we all know ground zero for all things NOT in America's best interests...for all things NOT in the best interests of 'We the People'...emanate from the Obama administration...the most corrupt administration in U.S. history. 

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