Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Ever Wonder What an Incompetent U.S. President Wishes For?

...During his speech, Obama told a story about a woman who asked how she could help him, and he joked that she should move to North Dakota. 
“If I could just get about a million excess votes in Brooklyn out to Nebraska, Wyoming, we’d be doing okay,” Obama said as the crowd laughed. “I don't need 80 percent of the vote here.”
Obama complained about “structural disadvantages” with the political system, pointing out that although Republican ideas did not have support from the majority of Americans, the political system kept Democratic majorities out of reach. 
“We have a congenital disease, which is: during midterms our voters don't show up. That's what it comes down to,” he said. “That and population distribution and gerrymandering.” ...
Read the full story HERE.

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  1. "It's not as if we've got no good ideas on policy. We've got tons of them. I've got a drawer full of things that we know would create jobs, help our middle class, boost incomes, make us more competitive. But we have a party on the other side that has been captured by an ideology that says no to everything because they cling to a rigid theory that the only way to grow the economy is for government to be dismantled and let the market sort things out, and folks at the top doing very well will somehow automatically trickle down to everybody else."

    OH REALLY? A whole drawer full of good ideas, huh.


  2. To easily defeat Romney by 5,000,000 or so? A dem controlled Senate all eight years? 0bamacare current enrollment numbers approaching 10,000,000 plus? Pick one or all.
