Wednesday, May 28, 2014

AP-GfK Poll: Only 28 Percent Support Obamacare

President Obama celebrated when sign-ups for his health care law topped 8 million, far exceeding expectations after a slipshod launch. Most Americans, however, remain unimpressed. 
A new Associated Press-GfK poll finds that public opinion continues to run deeply negative on the Affordable Care Act, Obama's signature effort to cover the uninsured. Forty-three percent oppose the law, compared with just 28 percent in support.
The pattern illustrates why the health care law remains a favored target for Republicans seeking a Senate majority in the midterm elections. 
The poll does have a bright spot for the administration: Those who signed up for coverage aren't reeling from sticker shock. Most said they found premiums in line with what they expected, or even lower.
But even that was diminished by another finding: More than one-third of those who said they or someone in their household tried to enroll, were ultimately unable to do so. For the White House, it's an uncomfortable reminder of the technical problems that paralyzed the website for weeks after it went live last fall.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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  1. ________________________________________

    The troubled start to the age of ObamaCare

    The president has been selectively
    implementing the health-care reform law
    as well as adding regulations to it,
    and he’d prefer the LAWLESSNESS and
    inherent CRONYISM of ObamaCare
    not be exposed to too much sunlight.

    The whole point of ObamaCare was
    to upend the entire health-care system,

    regardless of the fact that Democrats had to
    lie about it REPEATEDLEY and brazenly
    in order to get the bill passed.

    ObamaCare’s coverage expansion rested on
    two pillars. The first was
    an explicit government program,
    Medicaid -- a failed and expensive program.

    The second pillar was to
    kick millions of Americans off
    their insurance policies
    and mandate by law
    that they buy a new policy.

    ObamaCare is designed to enable the government
    to CONTROL the health-insurance market
    by greatly restricting LEGAL health-care plans,

    raising the prices for those
    the government thinks can pay and
    offering subsidies to those who can’t.


    Nancy Pelosi:
    Obamacare is a stepping stone
    to the Single Payer System.



  2. Rahm Emanuel -- Obama's Former Chief of Staff:
    "You never want a serious CRISIS to go to waste.”

    So, Team Obama pass the gigantic Obamacare law
    -- a signature achievement.


    It is less well known that the 2008 Financial CRISIS
    has a long history:

    long before the economic meltdown, the story of
    one woman who tried to WARN about
    the THREAT to the FINANCIAL System.

    She saw something that people either had not seen
    or refused to see. And she tried to sound the WARNING.

    Nobody listened.

    Before the TOXIC assets POISONED the Economy,
    she WARNED of their DANGER. And that made her
    the ENEMY of a very, very large number of people.

    She would fight an EPIC BATTLE
    with one of the most powerful men in Washington.

    It got pretty nasty pretty quickly. A story from inside
    the highest levels of the Bill CLINTON administration.

    They were all part of a very concerted effort
    to shut her up and to shut her down.

    And they did, in fact,


    Brooksley Born, who speaks about her failed campaign
    to regulate the SECRETIVE,

    multiTRILLION-dollar DERIVATIVES Market whose CRASH
    helped TRIGGER the Financial COLLAPSE in the fall of 2008.


    The Warning: Brooksley Born's Battle With
    Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin And Larry Summers

    An American heroine Brooksley Born


  3. ....zzzzzzzzzzzz.....


  4. Room to Grow -- Conservative reforms


    Room to Grow

    Conservative reforms for a limited government and a thriving middle class.



  5. ______________________________________

    USA selling Bonds to Itself
    to Underwrite Obamacare


    The Affordable Care Act was passed
    in a dubious manner.

    The Affordable Care Act, then, owes its existence
    to political treachery, electoral hijinks,
    and extreme prosecutorial misconduct.

    The fact that the chief justice Roberts
    had to transform himself into an ACROBAT
    and claim that Obamacare was constitutional,
    under the federal government’s right to tax, ...


    • The United States, in its DYSFUNCTIONALITY,
    is on the verge of DEFAULT on its DEBT,
    its legislators’ hands tied by sequestration.

    • The country is BROKE, paying its BILLS through
    a FRAUDULENT sale of BONDS to itself,

    ( Federal Reserve "PRINT" money ( QE ) in
    exchange for Uncle Sam's IOU -- BONDS )

    • running a $700 billion annual current-account deficit

