Saturday, May 24, 2014

An Obama Land Grab in NM could open a Crime Corridor and make it easier for ILLEGALS to cross the Border

Local officials in New Mexico warn a move by the Obama administration to designate nearly a half-million acres as a national monument could open up a crime corridor making it easier for illegal immigrants to cross the border and for drug cartels to operate undetected.
President Obama made the announcement Wednesday afternoon, setting aside 498,815 acres of land as the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument. Unlike national parks which must be approved by Congress, the president has the power to designate national monuments.
“I’m not finished,” Obama said during Wednesday’s ceremony. The New Mexico national monument is the second one he’s designated this year. 
He added, “I am here to pick up a little bit of the slack because there is no time to waste to preserve precious resources and give a shot in the arm to local economies.”
But Dona Ana County Sheriff Tom Garrison told the monument will likely hamper law enforcement’s ability to patrol the area. That’s because nearly half of the land will be set aside as wilderness. When that happens, the area will be largely closed off to vehicles, including police cars. 
Garrison said his concerns have fallen on deaf ears, and says he’s been shut out of the process.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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1 comment:

  1. The issues here in Dona Ana are just what you'd expect from any border town, but then there's the neighborhood hooker, nothing if not a bully and a pest, and if you're not born to her persuasion then more bulling, and land destruction, even if you pay your taxes and stay within the rules, does anybody care? Do they even listen, would like some regular patrols, at least as Billy would have put it 100+ years ago I would like to offer her "A free pass to hell.
