Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Released Documents reveal that Team Bill Clinton fueled the Subprime Bubble .. Not Wall Street

Remember hearing about this revelation lately on the TV News Media? I DON'T:
Subprime Scandal: Newly released memos from the Clinton presidential library reveal evidence the government had a big hand in the housing crisis. The worst actors were in the White House, not on Wall Street. 
During the 1990s, former Clinton aides bragged that more aggressive enforcement of the Community Reinvestment Act pressured banks to issue riskier mortgages, lending more proof the anti-redlining law fueled the crisis.
A 2012 National Bureau of Economic Research study found "that adherence to that act led to riskier lending by banks," with "a clear pattern of increased defaults for loans made by these banks in quarters around the (CRA) exam, (and) the effects are larger for loans made within CRA tracts," or low-income and minority areas. 
To satisfy CRA examiners, Clinton mandated "flexible" lending by large banks. As a result, CRA-approved loans defaulted about 15% more often, the NBER found.
Exhibit A in the 7,000-page Clinton Library document dump is a 1999 memo to him from his treasury secretary, Robert Rubin. 
"Public disclosure of CRA ratings, together with the changes made by the regulators under your leadership, have significantly contributed to ... financial institutions ... meeting the needs of low- and moderate-income communities and minorities," Rubin gushed. "Since 1993, the number of home mortgage loans to African Americans increased by 58%, to Hispanics by 62% and to low- and moderate-income borrowers by 38%, well above the overall market increase.
"Since 1992, nonprofit community organizations estimate that the private sector has pledged over $1 trillion in loans and investment under CRA.
" Read the rest of the story HERE.

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  1. Zero cred left for the MSM, but they don't care. They threw away whatever ounce of integrity they might have had left, by making Obama a savior, and then literally ignoring every Obama scandal, outrage, shortcoming and failure.

    Nothing but pathetic lapdogs now, and into the foreseeable future.


  2. ______________________________________

    Long before the economic meltdown,

    the story of one woman who tried to

    warn about the threat to the financial system.

    And she tried to sound the warning. Nobody listened.

    Before the toxic assets poisoned the economy,

    she warned of their danger.

    And that made her the enemy of a very, very large number of people.

    She would fight an epic battle with
    one of the most powerful men in Washington.
    It got pretty nasty pretty quickly.

    A story from inside the highest levels of
    the Bill Clinton administration.

    They were all part of a very concerted effort
    to shut her up and to shut her down.

    And they did, in fact,
    shut her up and shut her down.


  3. ______________________________________

    Long before the economic meltdown,

    the story of one woman who tried to

    warn about the threat to the financial system.

    And she tried to sound the warning. Nobody listened.

    Before the toxic assets poisoned the economy,

    she warned of their danger.

    And that made her the enemy of a very, very large number of people.

    She would fight an epic battle with
    one of the most powerful men in Washington.
    It got pretty nasty pretty quickly.

    A story from inside the highest levels of
    the Bill Clinton administration.

    They were all part of a very concerted effort
    to shut her up and to shut her down.

    And they did, in fact,
    shut her up and shut her down.


    BROOKSLEY BORN, CFTC Chair, 1996 - 1999:

    My law practice was in the derivatives area.
    I'd practiced derivatives law for more than 20 years.


  4. ______________________________________

    Clinton Library's Doc Dump
    Reveals CRA Fueled Subprime Bubble


    Articles Dump Reveals

    TEAM Bill Clinton & Wall Street
    Fueled FINANCIAL CRISIS of 2008


    Wall Street built a DOOMSDAY MACHINE
    Turning Garbage into Gold

    The True Story of the Financial Crisis

    Wall Street's Gullible Occupiers

    Reckless government policies,
    not private greed, brought about
    the housing bubble and resulting financial crisis.

    Wallison: Government housing policy is the cause of 2007 financial meltdown

    The 2008 Banking Collapse
    and the Great Recession

    Inside the Doomsday Machine
    Michael Lewis

    Clinton's Subprime Souffle

    Social Engineering: It's official:
    Americans have lost their housing gains since 1995,
    when Bill Clinton launched his homeownership crusade.

    His lending rules artificially created demand
    and a housing bubble that's still deflating.

    http: //


  5. ______________________________________

    Long before the economic meltdown,
    the story of one woman who tried to
    warn about the threat to the financial system.

    And she tried to sound the warning. Nobody listened.

    Before the toxic assets poisoned the economy,
    she warned of their danger.

    And that made her the enemy of a very, very large number of people.

    She would fight an epic battle with
    one of the most powerful men in Washington.
    It got pretty nasty pretty quickly.

    A story from inside the highest levels of
    the Bill Clinton administration.

    They were all part of a very concerted effort
    to shut her up and to shut her down.

    And they did, in fact,
    shut her up and shut her down.


    BROOKSLEY BORN, CFTC Chair, 1996 - 1999:

    My law practice was in the derivatives area.
    I'd practiced derivatives law for more than 20 years.


    She was determined that her agency would
    investigate fraud at the first opportunity.
    One are that caught her attention was a new and highly lucrative market,

    over-the-counter derivatives.

    She starts to realize that there's this
    whole world out there of what are
    called over-the-counter derivatives
    that are essentially unregulated.

    It's not even that they're unregulated,
    it's that the government doesn't even know
    what's going on.

    NARRATOR: It was a $27 trillion-market
    happening out of sight, inside a black box.


    We didn't truly know the dangers
    in the derivatives market because

    it was a dark market.
    There was no transparency.


    Procter & Gamble sued Bankers Trust, ...
    The lawsuit set the stage for a stunning revelation.
    It opened a window onto what was
    really going on in the derivatives market.

    And that's what frightened Born more than anything,

    trillions of dollars and the biggest banks
    in the country operating in secret.

    If something went terribly wrong,
    the high-stakes derivatives market could
    take down the entire financial system.

    As the market grew and morphed,
    Born felt her agency would have to get involved,

    but that would mean confronting Alan Greenspan,
    Robert Rubin, Timothy Geithner and Larry Summers.

    NARRATOR: Brooksley Born was contemplating
    the regulation of OTC derivatives.

    The pushback is visceral and immediate,
    and that's one of the striking things about this.

    Bankers just fall over themselves
    calling Summers and Rubin and Greenspan and everybody,

    saying, "Get this LADY off our backs."

    But the harder they pushed, the more interested Born became.

    They were totally opposed to it. That puzzled me.

    You know, what was it that was in this market
    that had to be hidden?

    Why did it have to be a completely dark market?
    So it made me very suspicious and troubled.

    Born's agency was legally independent.
    She reported to the president.
    Robert Rubin had no authority over her.

    To stop her, he would call upon his allies who sat with him on a secretive council known as "the president's working group."


    Born was taking the first steps
    toward regulating OTC derivatives,

    designing a document known as a "concept release."

    In response, Robert Rubin acted, calling
    an emergency meeting of the working group.

    Read the Transcript: [ part 1 of 2 ]


  6. ______________________________________

    OBAMA's former Chief of Staff says:

    Don't let the Financial CRISIS got to waste !!!

    So they passed the ACA aka ObamaCare.


    FINANCIAL CRISES of 2008 still Linger ON

    and will take many more years dispate
    it's Financial PAIN on the USA economy.


    America’s liabilities indeed
    loom massively on the horizon.


    Clinton Library's Doc Dump
    Reveals CRA Fueled Subprime Bubble


    Articles Dump Reveals

    TEAM Bill Clinton & Wall Street
    Fueled FINANCIAL CRISIS of 2008


    Wall Street built a DOOMSDAY MACHINE
    Turning Garbage into GOLD

    The True Story of the Financial Crisis


    Brooksley Born, Alan Greenspan, and The Warning


    Inside the Meltdown


    Free fall: How government policies brought down the housing market


    The 2008 Banking Collapse and the Great Recession

    Inside the Doomsday Machine
    Michael Lewis


  7. ________________________________________

    Mitt's Moment

    He fixes problems; we've got 'em.


    Mr. Romney never really fit his assigned part
    as Gordon Gekko or Milburn Drysdale. ...
    When other private equity pioneers were
    turning their millions into billions,
    he left to rescue the Winter Olympics.

    America is headed only for a moment of recognition.
    Like Greece.
    Like the troubled businesses Bain overhauled.
    Like the failing Salt Lake City Olympics.

    There's no money to pay for bigger and bigger government.
    There's no money to pay for the government
    we've already promised ourselves.


    bankrupting the nation to pay for health care
    is not an option. If we do nothing,
    if entitlements remain unreformed, the
    money simply will be withheld to pay for them.

    You'll still be entitled to that knee operation at taxpayer expense.

    Good luck finding a doctor to perform it.
    The waiting list will be long.


    Our world that's coming is a world of narrowing,
    not widening, choices.

    It's a world that suits Mr. Romney's skills and history,
    his knack for operating within constraints
    and making choices based on data, data, data.

    Mr. Obama lives in the same world, of course, but
    is unequipped to deal with it ...

    Also, given his inclination to seek refuge in
    a clueless reverie of big new programs
    at a time when the resources simply don't exist.


    The consensus for painful reform comes
    when the status quo hits the wall.

    It's a myth that we don't know what our choices are.

    That's the Romney moment.
    His strong suit has always been
    to do what everyone else has put off.


    Wall Street Journal

  8. ______________________________________

    What Caused the Financial Crisis?


    The pursuit of higher rate of
    homeownership through legislation,
    incentives and relaxed loan standards:

    » Pushing homeownership to new
    highs via government coercion.
    » Relaxed loan standards — no doc / no income

    » Pres. Bill Clinton and Robert Rubin —
    unleashing Wall Street risk-taking.

    Bill Clinton signed into law in 2000:

    The Commodity Futures Modernization Act,
    which exempted over-the-counter
    swaps and derivatives from regulation.

    The idea was to distribute risk; unfortunately,
    the effect was to magnify risk.


    Banks lurched from caution to
    bubble-inflating recklessness


    The True Story of the Financial Crisis
    The financial crisis of 2008 was caused
    by government housing policies ——
    which led to the creation of 27 million
    subprime and other risky loans


    Barack Obama was a pioneering contributor
    to the national subprime real estate bubble


    With landmark lawsuit, Barack Obama
    pushed banks to give subprime loans
    to Chicago’s African-Americans


    The Brass Standard


    About Those Policies That Got Us Into This Mess


    The misguided effort begun during
    the Clinton administration
    to increase home ownership
    among low wage earners


    Bubba & the Housing bubble — Bill Clinton


    The End of Wall Streets Boom
    Michael Lewis — profiled Steve Eisman:


    Free fall: How government policies

    brought down the housing market


    Michael Lewis on the Hedge Fund Manager
    Who Saw It Coming

    • "The Big Short"

    • Michael Lewis on the Financial Panic



    Wall Street's Delusion — 60 Minutes

    Eve of Destruction

