Monday, April 28, 2014

Obamacare Creates a Non-Payment Loophole that Deadbeats Should Love

While the debate continues over how many ObamaCare enrollees are actually paying their premiums, one aspect of the law temporarily rewards those who actually stop paying – and doctors may wind up bearing the cost.
“This law provides a 90-day grace period for people who have subsidized ObamaCare exchange plans and stopped paying their premium," said Betsy McCaughey, health care author and former New York lieutenant governor.
But the insurance companies are only obligated to cover the first 30 days of the 90-day grace period.
"You're still entitled to care for another 60 days," said John Goodman of the National Center for Policy Analysis. "The insurance company doesn't pay, you don't pay, who pays? Well, the doctors and the hospitals have to eat it. That's a very strange feature of this new health reform."
Read the rest of the story HERE.

"the Insurance company doesn't pay, you don't pay, who pays? Well, the doctors and the hospitals have to eat it. That's a very strange feature of this new health reform."

Yeah right .. YOU KNOW .. and I Know ..Those costs will be PASSED DOWN to the rest of us with HIGHER PREMIUM COSTS.

Nice ..huh?

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  1. __________________________________________

    Let’s recap:

    If you like your insurance policy, you can keep it.

    No, wait.

    If you liked your policy, it was probably worthless anyway.

    Scratch that.


    If your junk policy was canceled and you still want it,

    you can keep it. Er, get it back.




    Obamacare a Catastrophe Like No Other

    You cannot look at ObamaCare and call it anything but

    a huge, historic mess.


    There are very, very few Democrats

    who would do ObamaCare over again.

    Some would do something different, but they wouldn’t do this.

    The cost of the blunder has been too high

    in terms of policy and politics.


    Obamacare has no legitimate funding mechanism

    A thorough review of the Obamacares' financing problems


    ObamaCare restricts choices and INCREASES COSTS.

    It cut the Medicare Part A Hospital Insurance (HI) Fund

    It double counts money taken from the Hospital Insurance (HI) Fund.

    It cuts Medicare Advantage

    It relies on politically unsustainable mandates.

    There are other politically unsustainable or otherwise

    • dishonest funding mechanisms in the bill.

    Obamacare hurts businesses.


    The Democrats used every trick in the book

    to avoid actually paying for Obamacare.


    Hiding the true costs of the program

    Obamacare is simply a stalking horse for single payer


    The Other Stealthy ObamaCare Menace

    The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation

    exists to impose price controls and limit payments to providers.

    The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation

    has flown below the political radar.


    . ·······


    what is unfolding before our eyes is a colossal fiscal disaster,

    poised to haunt legislators and taxpayers for decades to come.

    It is quite possible that the ACA is shaping up as

    the greatest act of fiscal irresponsibility ever committed

    by federal legislators.



  2. Obama has all the bases covered.

