Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Cover Oregon's $248 Million State Exchange Dumped in favor of Federal Exchange

Friday's CBS Evening News was the lone Big Three evening newscast to spotlight how the State of Oregon decision to scrap its multimillion dollar health exchange website, and join the federal government's HealthCare.gov. ABC's World News was too busy covering violence over spots at mall parking lots to notice, while NBC Nightly News zeroed in on baby Prince George's first trip to Australia.
Scott Pelley underlined how "the State of Oregon said that after months of trying, it cannot get its state health insurance website to work. It hasn't signed a single customer, and it is pulling the plug. It is the first state to do that." Nancy Cordes pointed out the "$248 million failure," but didn't mention President Obama by name or ObamaCare as a term during her report. She merely made a vague references to the "federal" role in providing relief to the debacle:
Read the full story HERE and view a related videos below:

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  1. ___________________________________________________

    Let’s recap:

    If you like your insurance policy, you can keep it.

    No, wait.

    If you liked your policy, it was probably worthless anyway.

    Scratch that.


    If your junk policy was canceled and you still want it,

    you can keep it. Er, get it back.




    Obamacare a Catastrophe Like No Other

    Sorry Democrats, Obamacare is still electoral kryptonite


    Obamacare is Dying

    Some people insist ObamaCare is here to stay. Nonsense.

    President Obama is dismantling it himself,

    lawlessly hacking off provisions as they become unpopular

    in order to minimize Democratic losses in the fall election.

    Health reform be damned.





    what is unfolding before our eyes is a colossal fiscal disaster,

    poised to haunt legislators and taxpayers for decades to come.

    It is quite possible that the ACA is shaping up as

    the greatest act of fiscal irresponsibility ever committed

    by federal legislators.





    Obamacare “unambiguously adds to federal deficits

    in that it authorizes more additional spending

    than it generates in additional tax revenues.”





    Democrats get desperate ahead of November elections

    If the party thinks it can win in November

    based on the minimum wage, it should think again.




  2. Good move, my Oregon friends. The federal site rocks!

  3. Plus, all those hippie commercials--what an embarrassment.

