Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Ann Coulter is once again talking Romney 2016

On Sean Hannity’s Thursday radio show, conservative commentator Ann Coulter, author of "Never Trust a Liberal Over 3-Especially a Republican,” doubled down on her call for another presidential run in 2016 by former Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA). 
But when pressed by Simone, who noted Romney's shortcomings in his 2012 bid, Coulter said Romney wasn't completely to blame and suggested the conservative media could have done more for the 2012 Republican presidential nominee.
Read the rest of the story HERE and listen to Coulter's comments below:

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  1. I was reading some of the comments on that article at Breitbart, and it seems that a lot of really misinformed people go on and on dissing Romney when they clearly know nothing.

    Romney was the perfect candidate served up on a silver platter for the American people to benefit from, yet the majority were too stupid to see what was happening before there very eyes. I would like Romney to somehow have another shot at it, because he's clearly still the best person for the job. I hope it happens, but I fear that Americans are still too dense to see the obvious.


  2. Maybe, in the end, Romney will be able to make a difference this year, in 2016, and beyond. He is a man committed to service, and he has the capacity to do great things. We still need him.


  3. We can learn a lot from Romney, if we'd put down the bigot megaphone and listen. (Romneyman? you out there in bigotville still?)

  4. Coulter is crazy over Romney. Her RINO roots are showing. Coulter abandoned conservative principles many years ago and has herself become a full-blown establishment RINO. Yet, she feels compelled to dictate to us whom we should nominate. See the book, Never Trust Ann Coulter - at ANY Age, at www.coulterwatch.com/never.pdf.

  5. The above is one of the lame comments from Breitbart, pasted here. lol

    What is a RINO anyway? They don't really exist--at least not in Congress. How can Coulter be classified as a RINO? She's as conservative as it gets as far as pundits/talkers go.

    When you ask someone to name one way Romney was a RINO, they can't. Because he isn't one. He is as conservative as it gets, without being a nutcase.


  6. Go away Willard and take the drag queen with you.
