Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Left's Lame Efforts to Label Paul Ryan a Racist are Laughable

In the wake of the Romney/Ryan ticket’s defeat in 2012, progressive pundits engaged in a round of self-congratulation, spending considerable hours pontificating on the systemic and intractable defects plaguing the GOP. Some on the left observed that the Republican Party fails to appeal to young and minority voters because they are viewed as a party focused entirely on preserving the gains made by those who are already successful. They advised the GOP to devote their attention to the problems faced by everyday Americans, specifically those of the less fortunate. It may surprise you to know that partisan Democrats do not actually want to see the Republican Party succeed at this recalibration.
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), in particular, has used his elevated status within his party to talk about poverty issues from a conservative perspective; that is, a perspective which fundamentally believes that ballooning safety net programs yield diminishing returns for benefit recipients and often foster a sense of dependency and hopelessness among long-term beneficiaries. But, in this mission, Ryan stepped on one of the many liberal landmines peppering the political landscape last week when he told a conservative radio host that persistent, transgenerational poverty in America’s “inner cities” should be a focus of policy makers.
“We have got this tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work, and so there is a real culture problem here that has to be dealt with,” Ryan said.
The progressive blogosphere, having keenly refined their senses to identify and decode racial “dog whistles” otherwise undetectable by the public at large, sprang into action. Think Progress’ Igor Volsky accused Ryan of invoking the virulent stereotyping of minorities as “lazy.” He added that, by citing the work of controversial author and libertarian political scientist Charles Murray, Ryan had revealed that he, too, shares Murray’s view that “African-Americans are, as a population, less intelligent than whites due to genetic differences.”
Read the rest of this op-ed HERE.

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  1. When is labeling republicans racist going to stop working? Seems like it's the only thing they have now, but I don't see how or why it still works. It's ridiculous.


  2. When is labeling republicans racist going to stop working? Seems like it's the only thing they have now, but I don't see how or why it still works. It's ridiculous.


  3. Sorry the double.

    Yes, I know if you repeat a lie often enough, it works. Sadly all they have are lies.


  4. A much as I think that Mr. Ryan is a buffoon, he is no racist. The real problem is not when The Dems accused the GOP of being Sexists and having a 'war on women' the GOP let the Dems get away with it. So why are we shocked that they are calling us racist? The GOP fell for this hook line and sinker. Perhaps the swells will learn some day, but I am not holding my breath.

  5. You sure have a high standard for buffons. I have a list of those I feel are bauffons. I guess my bar is lower than yours ;)

    Sweet dreams!

  6. Hahaha, you are funny Ellie. Mr. Ryan is a bigger Buffoon than each and every person your mentioned. Nice try.

  7. OJ, Ryan is anything but a buffoon. You know as well as I do that Paul Ryan is a serious and sincere person. You may not agree with what he thinks we need to do, but he is dead serious about solving problems, with solutions that are actually realistic. He's not living in a fantasy world about what is possible, as some of the people Ellie mentioned are. They are all about inflammatory rhetoric, but not about solutions. This is so obvious.

    Right now, Ryan stands head and shoulders above all of the other 2016 Republicans. I hope he runs, because if he doesn't we're left with few choices.


  8. Remember a few weeks ago, when Nugent went on a racist rant about Obama? How many Repubs condemned him? I saw a few. So sad. This is why Dems get away with calling us racists.


  9. Here's a refresher: Sarah Palin not only didn't condemn Nugent for the disgusting racial insults about Obama, she approved:

    "Greg has overcome many personal obstacles and challenges, which have made him a believer in the power of liberty and the need to defend our freedoms from the overreach of an out-of-control federal government. If he is good enough for Ted Nugent, he is good enough for me!

    To their credit, Rand Paul and Rick Perry condemned the Nugent rant. But not good ol Sarah!

    We can't win if we have racist losers like Nugent out there campaigning with Republicans.


  10. No Martha, I do not remember that racist rant. But hey. However, Mr. Ryan is not serious, he has repeatedly voted for higher taxes and he has no plan to cut spending. Further, let's just say he did not help your friend become President. Thus, partly as a result of his buffoonery, Mr. Obama won the last election. We tried campaigning with Mr. Ryan and he let the party down.

  11. OJ, did you not read about the Nugent comments when he was in TX campaigning for Abbott? It was ugly, but I won't write it here. Neither Abbot or Palin distanced themselves from the comments, unfortunately.

    As for Ryan, I think he's the ONLY ONE with a plan to cut spending! I think he was a good, if not best choice for Romney, although I don't think it made any difference. Obama had it in the bag long before Ryan was chosen.

