Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Op-ed: All political conservatives must be welcomed into the fold

All political conservatives must be welcomed into the fold                                                                                             
By: Diane Sori  

Even the Democrats get it right on occasion, especially when it comes to inclusion. Inclusion...it's NOT a dirty word folks, especially when the end justifies the means.

Our most important goal for the November mid-terms is to retake the Senate and increase our numbers in the House. NOTHING...I repeat NOTHING...is more important than that...NO local race...NO state race...NOTHING...because if we don't retake the Senate it's over...period.

And to win we need numbers...BIG numbers. And to get those numbers we need to pull in any and all who want to see our country return to the rule of law known as the Constitution.

And herein enters inclusion...meaning we must include within our ranks everyone who wants to join in this fight...everyone from the staunches ultra right conservatives, to the new breed of socially moderate Republicans, to those in the TEA Party, to once frowned upon minorities, because November is about numbers and NOTHING else.

We conservatives can NO longer ostracize and push away specific groups of people if we don't agree with them on everything...instead we need to welcome them into our ranks or we will have a repeat of 2012 when 'certain' pastors... pastors who bought into the Chislam nonsense...told their congregations to stay home and NOT vote for Mitt Romney simply because he was a Mormon. "Better a muslim that we know than a Mormon we don't know" they said, and three million followers heeded their call and did NOT vote. I hope they're happy with what they got because the rest of us sure the hell are NOT.

These people that I speak of above are NOT bad people by any means, they are just people who are NOT tolerant of any who do NOT believe as they do...who do NOT live as they do...who do NOT worship as they do...who do NOT hold the same Biblical beliefs as they do...and that is sad as this group...certain Evangelical sects...are in and of themselves a minority within the larger group of the followers of Christianity.

But many...NOT all of course...within this group are the most vocal against other minority groups whose numbers we so need this November. They don't care for Jews, they don't care for Roman Catholics, they don't care for Mormons, they don't care for those in the Orthodox Churches, they don't care for the Protestant denominations...and they especially don't care for those in the gay community even if those gays are fellow Christians.

And all this is so sad as they don't care about millions of votes...or the people who cast those votes...votes that just might help us win come this November. And the fact is we do NOT win elections simply because we are imploding ourselves from within by trying to exclude those, amongst others, who might be different than ourselves for NO other reason than lifestyle.

And this becomes all apparent when dealing with the many hot-button social issues on the table today. People on our side need to understand there is a huge difference between federal issues and states issues and that the social issues are state's issues and have NO business being part of this November's election for if we make them so we will again lose. In fact, our Constitution creates a government based on 'federalism,' as in the sharing of power between the national, state, and local governments. And while each of the 50 states has its own constitution, all provisions of state constitutions must comply with the U.S. Constitution...with the U.S. Constitution NOT with the words of the Bible...and those who set themselves up as judge and jury over others need to understand and accept that as fact.

And this very vocal group of 'holier than thou' Americans who condemn any who don't believe as they do forget that anybody can be just as patriotic as they are...can be just as conservative in their political beliefs as they are...can love this country as much as they do...and yet be different in other ways...in social ways...and YES I am talking about gay Americans for it's high time that issue is addressed in a calm factual manner putting emotions and religion aside, for we on the right need their votes this November as much as they want to stand with us.

The number of gays in our country today stands at an estimated nine million people at the low end which translates into almost 4% of the total American adult population with the numbers most likely higher maybe even reaching 10% of our population...and that's a huge number to turn our backs on especially since the majority of gays are NOT like those in GLAD or other such 'in your face' organizations. Most gay Americans want what the rest of us want...to live their lives in peace...to find a partner to love and share their life with...and to raise their children in a free America where the words of the Constitution ring true..."that ALL men are created equal" under the eyes of the law.

Gay Americans are NOT the pariahs the ubber religious right paints them out to be and they are NOT some disease to be feared for being gay is NOT contagious nor is it a choice. Think about that for a minute...who do you know would willingly choose to spend a lifetime living in scorn, ridicule, and even possibly putting their physical self in danger if they were found out. NO one I know would and I know NO one you know would either.

Sexual orientation has NOTHING to do with choice...or with 'free will'...for major scientific studies have shown that there are genes involved in male sexual orientation, and that a majority of gay men share certain genetic characteristics on a region of the X chromosome called Xq28...in addition to the  mounting evidence that two sets of genes affect whether a man is gay or straight.

Other large-scale studies done on cadavers have shown that the hypothalamus gland in gay individuals...both men and women...are different in size than that of straight individuals...and that is something they are born with lending credence to the fact that one is either born straight or born gay...in other words sexual orientation is NOT a choice but is determined in-utero.

And we must put aside the notion that all gays are liberals who want to push their lifestyle on us for the truth is they don't. Gays, except for those in GLAD and other such organizations, are NO more proponents of teaching America's children about 'alternative lifestyles' than any of us are. Nor are most gays proponents of gay marriage...equal rights under the law for committed gay couples is one thing but calling it marriage is NOT important to most gays. And gays in the military is NOTHING new...they have been there since our nation was born and anyway in the foxhole under fire someones sexual orientation is a mute point.

The bottom line is that the majority of gay Americans believe in the Constitution and all it stands for and want to see our country survive these disastrous Obama years intact and whole as much as we do. And to that affect we need to welcome gay Republican groups like the Log Cabin Republicans into the fold for we need their numbers this November for the issue of our country's survival is bigger than some of us being offended by what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedroom. 

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  1. Traditional Marriage has been highly supported by the american people. California voted to support traditional marriage. It is the uber liberals who are NOT tolerant. The uber liberal CA judges told California voters they could not support traditional marriage.

    Law is written by the Legislative Branch, and those intolerant liberal judges need to stop being tyrants.

    Laws against sodomy existed where there was no christianity. There are genes that cause people to be cleptomaniacs, but this is not proof we ought to amend our law to allow theft.

    Lifestyle IS your religion, in other words, your way of life.

    Vocal gay activists state their agenda is PLAINLY anti-religion, and they seek for government to dictate to the Church. The uber leftists are not tolerant.

    “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the attribute of Patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men and Citizens." ~George Washington

    "And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion." ~George Washington

    We have diversity. What we need is unity and tender mercy for one another.

  2. Democrats are more divided than Republicans.

  3. First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was to declare our RIGHT to freely exercise our religion. Gay activists seek infringe on others' fundamental rights. It is NOT at all conservative to oppose religion and the free exercise of religion.

  4. Republicans do not per se oppose gay republicans. The object of concern is gay marriage. It must be opposed. There are volumes and volumes of family law written. Changing the definition of "the" word changes ALL these laws. This has very dangerous unintended consequences. Wise up.

  5. We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force. ~ Ayn Rand

  6. The blood of martyrs led many to dare the risks of immigrating to early America. Freedom of religion is our First Right. Equal income is not a right. Gay activists do themselves a disservice as marriage primarily was and is a church rite. Marriage is not a Right, but a rite.

    I was sitting next to a gay person at work when the notion of gay marriage was first suggested in politics. He laughed and mocked the whole game.

  7. We ought never accept divisions of Republicans such as suggested here, "Gay Republicans." Republicans are Republicans. We support the rule of law, the Constitution plainly is limited government and economic freedom. We oppose Big Gov, Big Pharma or globalism where foreign influence is allowed in Big Unions, our elections, our commerce or in our health care.

  8. David Frum's tweet confirmed that Gingrich is a phony, zany, unreliable, failed leader: “It’s manifestly true that Gingrich wanted open marriage. He had one! Only dispute is whether he told his wife
    about it."

  9. "It is not justice or equal treatment that you grant to men when you abstain equally from praising men’s virtues and from condemning men’s vices." ~Ayn Rand

  10. So-called "conservatives" who favored Newt Gingrich over Mitt Romney have EPIC hypocrisy, people like Sarah Palin.

    Palin is not conservative, she even played the class warfare card.

    Palin repeated Democrat Party mockery of Republican 'country club' caricature. Conservative Republicans admire success, we don't create, accept or establish a class system or the notion of "elites." It is the Democrat Party leaders who pretend that they are superior and that we need them to tell us what to do.

    Palin bantered with Newt against capitalism in the 2012 Republican Primary season, and they actively attacked Bain Capital and our capitalist / private equity system. Palin failed to oppose Newt his evil association with Freddie Mac. "Gingrich never questioned their business model or their lending practices, and never brought up the bubble."


    On social issues Palin failed to support traditional marriage. Palin flat out supported Newt's highly documented history of open-marriage and his "Third Wave" preference for marxism.

  11. *Palin also failed to oppose Newt's evil association with Freddie Mac. "Gingrich never questioned their business model or their lending practices, and never brought up the bubble."


  12. Another looney rant in the comments section by Right Speak's resident nut btp. When I saw the amount of comment to this article I thought it might be interesting discussion but instead it was just btp having a conversation with the voices in her head. btp...time to take your meds!


  13. I wonder how many voices are inside btp's head at one time. Anyone want to make a guess? Over/under is 4.

  14. Last comment was me.

