Saturday, March 29, 2014

Obama Shrunk the Mandate hoping the Sheepies don't notice it's ONLY TEMPORARY

..The individual mandate may be the most despised part of Obamacare, but the reality is that it’s much smaller than people think. It’s riddled with exemptions, hardships and other loopholes that allow millions of people off the hook for enrollment by March 31. 
Some exceptions are part of the law. Some were added to quell political fires. If you had a plan that was canceled and think the alternative costs too much, you get a pass. And it’s not an out just for this first rough year. According to a decision this month by the administration, you may be able to escape the obligation of the mandate for the rest of the Obama presidency — if you can deal with the paperwork.
If you are one of the several million low-income people who would qualify for Medicaid expansion — but your state opted out of expansion — you won’t be required to buy coverage. 
These and other changes to the mandate encapsulate many of the challenges the administration has faced during the four years of implementation since the Affordable Care Act law was passed. 
The White House needs the mandate to make its policies work, as it creates new insurance markets operating under new rules. 
It needs the exemptions to make the politics work — or at least to take the edge off some of the sharpest political backlash, like the outcry over the canceled plans that people had been told they could keep.
Read the full story HERE.

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