Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Marco Rubio interview on 'the Kudlow Report' (Full Video 03-10-14)


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  1. Marco Rubio is historic senator, the first to not support his own bill.

    He's a phony Republican. While campaigning for his office he courted and received support from those who oppose amnesty. After elected the traitor betrayed those who elected him. He was not accessible by those opposed to amnesty, and his doors were always open for traitors like the La Raza organization.

    He's OLD NEWS. It is tiresome that the Leftstream Media keeps throwing phony candidates at the Republican Party. The Leftstream Media obstruct justice on behalf of Obama. They promote contrived candidates as "republican" conservatives.

    Rubio is absolutely exposed as a traitor to the Republican Party, and his campaigning never has brought hispanic vote to the Republican Party. Constant coverage of Rubio is a shameless sham on America. Leftstream Media are snake oil con men.

  2. Rubio can barely converse using big words.
