Sunday, March 2, 2014

Joe Biden's Message to Working Women: Obamacare lets you give up your job and Stay Home

It's Straight Jacket time once again ....
Vice president Joe Biden’s latest blunder, handed down during an appearance on “The View,” has raised the hackles of several women who say his 1950s-era image of what women want is degrading, offensive and ridiculously stereotypical. 
His words, touting Obamacare: “How many of you are single women with children with a dead-end job … there because of your health insurance.”
He went on: “You would rather have the opportunity to spend the next couple years with your children, [but] you’re not trapped in that job.” 
Enter Obamacare, and he said, on The View: “You’re [now] able to make a choice. … Did you know you can get health insurance absent that job?” 
And Mr. Biden’s final message to women: Obamacare “gives women a great deal more freedom” and the ability to quit their jobs and stay home with their children. 
Crystal Wright, a conservative female blogger who appeared on Fox & Friends on Wednesday, called Mr. Biden’s statements ridiculous and condescending. 
“It’s ridiculous, the notion that women only work for health care or that women don’t work for driving careers … or to provide for their children,” Ms. Wright. “It’s like ‘Joe, are you living in an altered reality?’”
Read the rest of the story HERE and view a related video below:

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  1. He is of that generation who thinks that way. A lot of older men and women have that very same attitude.


  2. And then we can be on welfare, and watch TV all day instead of providing for our families. Great role model, Biden. Another generation of lazy welfare queens who vote democrat.

  3. Women should stay home with their kids, IF THEIR CIRCUMSTANCES ALLOW IT. If they are a single mother and no other source of income is available (and not a welfare check) then they need to be out working. It's not optimal, but it's what is necessary.
