Sunday, February 2, 2014

The House GOP unveils their Principles for Immigration Reform...NOW WHAT?

House Republican leaders released a long-awaited set of principles Thursday to guide the chamber's debate on immigration, a balancing effort aimed at drawing a majority of Republicans without alienating Democrats who also would be needed to pass a bill.
The move comes seven months after the Senate passed a broad-based immigration bill, which many saw as dead amid opposition from House conservatives. But House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) appears determined to at least test whether there is sufficient support to move forward on a bill. 
"I believe these standards represent a fair, principled way for us to solve this issue, beginning with securing our borders and enforcing our laws," Mr. Boehner told Republicans when opening the discussion at a private retreat on Maryland's Eastern Shore, according to a person in the room. (emphasis mine.
Read the rest of the article HERE.

If you haven't read the list of principle yet you can find them HERE. (only about one page)

Principles.."to guide the chamber's debate on immigration"....DEBATE? No problem with them debating those principles.

Debate ALL THEY WANT....and keep it that way.

I'm hoping that THE MAJORITY in the House realizes that IMMIGRATION IS A NON_ISSUE FOR THE 2014 ELECTIONS....and to make it an issue would call into question the sanity of the House Majority.

2014 is about...ONE ISSUE...'OBAMACARE'. Any fool can figure out that the Democrats want to change the subject. Any sane person would keep that from happening.

I'm hoping for lots of debate...lots of meetings...and NO ACTIONS on immigration between now and after the elections....HEAR THAT JOHN? .........  HEAR THAT ERIC? ...... HEAR THAT PAUL? ....... HEAR THAT GOP MEMBERS OF CONGRESS?

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  1. Bosman, this is looking more and more like a fake-out all the time. For all the moaning about it from practically everyone, I'm not the least convinced that Boehner intends to actually do anything. He has said repeatedly that he will not bring a bill to the floor unless he has majority support. We know that the majority of the house are conservative Republicans, and we know that he's not going to get a majority of them to sign on.

    Plus, have you noticed that none of the former rebel rousers in the house are going after him over this. The reason is that over the course of the year, he has won their confidence. They are on board with him, and he's not about to blow that. This may be the one good thing that came out of the shutdown.

    So I believe amnesty legislation is going nowhere fast. I simply can't bring myself to believe that Boehner, Ryan, or Cantor is really that blind. They're not.

    In short, what you have been saying all along, is most likely the case.


  2. They're promoting this plan on TV. Saw the ad this morning.

  3. Here's the video of the ad.

    "Republicans involved with Americans for a Conservative Direction include former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (R), former Jeb Bush Chief of Staff Sally Bradshaw, and GOP adviser Dan Senor"

  4. Dan Senor was a senior policy aide for Romney's campaign.

  5. My former Senator, Norm Coleman is the Chairman of the American Action Network. The group was responsible for recruiting Rubio for the Senate amnesty push. The founder of Home Depot is the largest contributor to this group.

  6. I don't think it's going to get done, but I think the effort is real.

  7. I see this is a different group, but Norm Coleman is on the board of this one as well. Jeb is a big player with both as well.

  8. RW, when you get past the speculation, down to real facts, nothing they have said or done is so far is a problem. Immigration does need to be fixed.

    We shall see, but I think they know what they're doing. The also know they can't trust Obama with this kind of legislation. And they know that they need to be more than the party that says no all the time.


  9. No. These deep pocket donors aren't paying for these ads and efforts to create an illusion. It's not going to happen, only because the Republican base won't let it.

  10. You do realize that when this doesn't get done, they will be blamed even more now, don't you?

  11. RW, no because I don't think voters care all that much. A recent polls showed the issue of immigration at only 3% in priority. People care about JOBS, the economy, size of gov, and healthcare far far more. It's not going to hurt Repubs at all, in spite of the big donors not getting what they want.

    If it doesn't happen, it will not be from pressure. I truly believe Boehner and co. have no real desire to do immigration reform because again, they aren't stupid.


  12. In fact, if they really want to do it, they would have by now.


  13. Whether they want to do it or not, this is all a result of these donors and outside groups led by Jeb Bush.

    It mucks up the waters when the focus needs to be on ObamaCare.

    I don't think Boehner wants to do it either, but others, including Ryan, seem to pretty emphatic about getting it done. Seems to be a risky move on their part, if this all for show. They all saw what happened to Rubio for supporting this garbage.

  14. Pray we can keep the Mexicans down.

  15. Bush got close to 44% for trying, maybe the Rs figure they will get credit for trying as well. I think they're smart, about time they started being as cynical as Democrats.
