Friday, February 28, 2014

Paul Ryan: The Republican Party must do more than Just Oppose

With the November elections a little more than eight months away, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., told a Richmond audience Tuesday that Democrats are the party of an ever-expanding government, stagnant economic growth and failed health care reform.
“You take a look at the weak economy, the over-regulation, the broken promises, and you take a look at the lawlessness we see, what we are seeing here is big government in practice,” Ryan told more than 1,500 people at the annual campaign breakfast hosted by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-7th, at the Greater Richmond Convention Center.
“The question is, what do we do about it?” 
Ryan, the 2012 GOP vice presidential nominee and a potential contender for the 2016 presidential election, laid out his vision for a party he said needs to convey that it is more than just the party of opposition, but a party with viable alternatives to Democratic policies. 
“We’ve got to show that we are capable of governing and of leading this country. And we have to offer better ideas,” said Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee.
Ryan threw his support behind Ed Gillespie, a Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate who is challenging Democrat Mark R. Warner, and Del. Barbara J. Comstock, R-Fairfax, one of a handful of Republicans seeking the nomination to run for Rep. Frank R. Wolf’s seat in the 10th congressional district.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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  1. Too bad that this clown from Wisconsin has run out of ideas.

  2. OJ, LOL. Pity your brain cells are stuck in neutral.

  3. Ah, but you fail to point out one good thing that Mr. Ryan has done for the party. What swing state did he deliver in 2012???

  4. OJ, you have impossibly high, even pie in the sky standards. I don't think there is a candidate alive who can please you.

    I agree with Ryan and others who are saying this. NR talked about this today. We can't just run on negativity. YES, we need to HAMMER democrats with the truth about where their policies lead, but we ALSO need to communicate a clear plan with ideas that most Americans agree with.

