Monday, February 3, 2014

Is the GOP Establishment secretly pining for MITT ROMNEY IN 2016?

Well...I know of lots of Mitt Romney fans that are...but the WHOLE GOP ESTABLISHMENT? That may be a stretch...
Some Republican establishment operatives and their big donors want former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney to run again in 2016--but they won't go on record with their comments.
An anonymous establishment operative told left-wing BuzzFeed that the 2016 GOP field, which is considered as strong as 2012's was weak, has "gotten so bad" from the establishment's point of view that donors are "looking back fondly on the good old days of 2012." 
“You know what a lot of them say to me? I think we need Mitt back," the anonymous source told the liberal outlet.
If so inclined, read the rest of this story over at Breitbart.Com.

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  1. MITT could get in 2016 what was stolen from him in 2012..the election.

  2. In a perfect world, such ridiculous thoughts wouldn't enter people's heads.

  3. I don't think it's a 'secret'. I want him more today than yesterday.

  4. Is this what we're going to be forced to endure for the next 2 years? Just shoot me now.

  5. Bosman,
    Thanks for this article. Mitt is it!!! 2016 The best qualified in every way. Oh, how I wish we had won in '12. Bigger job at hand in "16. It will take a real devoted person. thanks, again....Paulee

  6. I am not the same anonymous as above.... I just want to say RomneyMan, you need to change your name to ObamaMan....

  7. RomneyMan should be ObamaMan?!?!? What a CROCK. You are a BLIND FOLLOWER OF THE JERK OBAMA... and obviously don't know what the hell you are talking about!

  8. Yeah, GREAT idea - let's nominate an Establishment/Moderate/RINO candidate again in 2016, and LOSE again. BRILLIANT!!!

  9. If he runs again, he needs to do a lot of things differently. The convention was pretty lame, although Mitt's speech was pretty good. Please spare us from the Ann Romney and how much she loves women. Note to the Romneys - people are not that gullible.

  10. Mitt's got it in him to he did with the first debate with O. Mitt can fight. And if he runs the next time, I don't think he'll care about the likability nonsense even so many in the right saddled on him. That may be one of the reasons, among others, his advisers insisted he back off the second and third debate...not to decimate O and have Mitt appear like a show off and be perceived as not likable or relatable--again, even so by many in the right.

    I want him to be a big show off and decimate everyone in debates and not worry about the jealous haters who accuse him of not being likable. Yeah, I think he was too nice being worried about the haters labeling him "too perfect."

  11. Snap out of it. Lol.

    “Oh, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no," Romney told the paper. "People are always gracious and say, ‘Oh, you should run again.’ I’m not running again."

  12. Didn't mean to interrupt the ya Mitting, but I felt a cold dose of reality was needed before it got out of hand.

  13. Like I wrote, in a perfect world, the idea of a Romney '16 would not be allowed to even form in any person's mind.

    Not just out of reality, just to save the persons thinking it their own embarrassment.

  14. And think back to *that* campaign for a moment and reflect...

    Yes, I bet you're starting to laugh too.

  15. Mitt would beat that fake dude, Cruzie. In a heartbeat he'd trample over that bimbo, Palin.

  16. Mitt Romney is a true statesman and as much as he was needed in 2012, he will be even more needed in 2016. He is a man of conviction, morals, love of God and country. His motive for running was clearly to help this country he so dearly loves back to a path of prosperity and he has the business acumen to do so. No matter what some may think, he is true to himself and knows who he is. He will be a fantastic president, and I for one, will do all within my power to help him win. 2012 was stolen from him (It wasn't a fair fight right from the beginning) so I ask Mitt to PLEASE run again! He would win, I just know it!!! Thanks, Jean

  17. Some people epitomise the word 'desperate', don't they?

    There is a website called: move on dot com

    It might help.

  18. I know I posted this upthread, but apparently it bears repeating. Can you people read?


    “Oh, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no," Romney told the paper. "People are always gracious and say, ‘Oh, you should run again.’ I’m not running again."

  19. In a perfect world... Romneyman wouldn't post because of his pure lack of political knowledge.

  20. I hope someone convinces Romney to run.

    The 2012 field was the weakest in history, with exception given to Romney.

    The 2016 field is even weaker.

    If Romney or some unknown fails to emerge and run..... Hillary will have an easy victory.

    Romney may well be our only chance to stop her.

  21. There are Jeb Bush rumors for 2016. Better Mitt than Jeb.

  22. Well I am in good company. The only people here who don't want Mitt are RW, RM, and you know who. Hahahaha.

    Of course we need Mitt but whether it possible is another matter. RW is right. The biggest obstacle to Mitt is Mitt. I hope I'm wrong. They have been in the news a a lot lately.

    It would take something shocking for Mitt to become the nominee. But stranger things have happened. Could he win against the Obama/Clinton cheating machine? I don't know if anyone can honestly. Queen Hillary is about to be coronated. And she's going to be as big a liar and lawbreaker as Obama has been.

    Then again, history is not on her side. How often does the party in power get 16 years.

    Go Mitt!


  23. I am somewhat puzzled in all of these posts that someone felt the need to disparage Ann Romney? Not quite sure why because she was an incredibly gracious lady and a huge asset during this past campaign. Ann is genuine, she is not in the least anti-women, far from it. Attack the candidate all you want but do not attack his wife for being herself. Unless of course you believe in the false narrative that a real champion of women is someone who believes in abortion and contraceptive rights, etc. If so, you are on the wrong website.

  24. Hey, Joel....I'm going to defend cimbri on this one. In no way was he disparaging Ann Romney. His criticism was in regards to the convention theme, which was incorporated into her speech. I don't think it was a personal attack.

    I actually don't remember her speech, but I remember Christie's.

  25. Mitt is considerate and polite, and in politics, those are weaknesses, unfortunately. He could have gone for the jugular with most of his primary opponents and the president, since he could do mental gymnastics around them up to the point where it didn't even seem like a fair fight. Sometimes, I think Mitt looked at his debates opponents and felt sorry for them cause it was so easy for him and would end up making them look like fools, the considerate and polite side of him kicking in. But you don't get where he did in life without a competitive fire burning somewhere in there and is one of those unassuming, quiet looking people, which can be the most explosive. If he does run, he'll have nothing to lose and everything to gain and hope he goes for the jugular every time. He has it in him and if he lets loose it won't be pretty.

  26. If you can't remember her speech then you obviously weren't listening. Her speech was phenomenal and hit the mark on so many levels, too many to mention here. Go back and watch it if you truly missed it. As fr the criticism and my rebuttal, I stand by my comments. It was a baseless and inappropriate attack. Ann did what she was asked to do and did a stellar job along the way. She is a glowing example of what womanhood and motherhood is all about, especially when faced with adversity.

  27. Joel,

    You're a little over the top here. I believe Ann will be just fine from here on out.

  28. I agree that when Ann Romney said I love you women, it was awkward. So what? The Romney campaign were trying hard to fix the damage people like Akin, Mourdock, and others do when it comes to women. Now we have Huck talking about libido, for crying out loud.

    Ann Romney is one of the finest people I've seen on the national stage. She gave it everything she had. One awkward sentence at the end of a long campaign is nothing to complain about.


  29. Conventions are supposed to be about rallying the base and unifying the party. Look at what the Dems did with their convention. Sandra Fluke and Elizabeth Warren in prime time right before Bill Clinton. Apparently, it worked.

  30. Hopefully, before Romney decides to run again, he will think through how to get enough votes to win next time. If there is no path to win, please don't run. I don't want to hear another round of post mortems in late 2016, that he didn't think he could win, or that the citizens are spoiled and want handouts, etc. Plugging in a different VP won't do it. Winning in 2016 would require quite an effort, and he would have to start laying the groundwork now for getting more right wing white, and Hispanic voters. The ACA and Hillary's record might not be enough.

  31. cimbri, that's why it's not going to happen, unless something extraordinary happens.


  32. YOU HAVE GOT TO run again! I thought you were the best person for the job since 2006 and you are now too. As you have said, it took Reagan 3 times. You have already been vetted, the country is falling apart, you called it many times during your campaign, this is the time for MITT ROMNEY to WIN!!!! You will win in a landslide and there are no other candidates with your experience! You have to come at people who you run against and not let your foot off there throat. Also, build up American that you will be the President that will be for everyone not just your social interest groups. You want everyone to do well!!!!! RUN MITT RUN!!! I will help in the state of Washington that I think now you can win!!!!

  33. So the opposition party knows how to rally their base as demonstrated this past election, right? Maybe so, but what does that really mean? If it means their voters were willing to go out and actually vote for their candidate instead of sitting on their couches pouting, then I understand what you are trying to communicate. On the other side of the coin, we are our own worst enemy, clueless and defenseless. Willing to throw away an election by sitting at home because our candidate isn't conservative enough, right? Even with all the shenanigans that took place this past election, a small minority of our own took it upon themselves to destroy any hope of a recovery and the result is four more years of misery. All because we couldn't rally behind our candidate. Definitely a brilliant strategy.
