Thursday, January 30, 2014

Mitt Romney still has a few folks speculating about Him and 2016 (Auto-on Video)

Their words say “no,” but that’s not enough to stop the presidential speculation surrounding certain Massachusetts politicos. And as the monthslong speculation over the political futures of U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Secretary of State John F. Kerry continues unabated, this week a third familiar name is generating buzz: Mitt Romney. 
Less than a year ago, the prospect of a Romney comeback seemed as likely as Miley Cyrus entering a convent. Suddenly, after the release of a documentary that presented a warmly humanized version of the GOP’s last pick for president and an accompanying media blitz by the former governor, it seems that Romney is back — and folks are wondering if he could give the race for the White House another go. 
“A year ago I would have laughed at that question,” one strategist told me. “Today I’m not laughing.”
Read the full story HERE and view a related video below:

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  1. Billary is a loser, and the ditz didn't wonder how you reboot her!

  2. Illegal aliens vote, and Obama and the Democrat Party do not put a stop to it.

  3. We could do a lot worse. Just take a look at who the 2016 hopefuls are.

  4. Yes, we can do a lot worse, no doubt. Romney is still the best option by far. But unlikely.


  5. Cimbri, I think Ann would let him, but I don't think he will let himself run again.


  6. Haha.

    Romney leads in a NH 2016 poll with 25%. Smart folks in NH!


  7. A few people here keep claiming that polls don't matter. I'm sure they encourage or discourage someone from thinking about running. Look at Cruz for example, after all that exposure and media attention, he is below Romney, Huck, and everyone else except for maybe Bachmann.
