Tuesday, December 31, 2013

TEN who Obama Threw Under the Bus in 2013?

One of the hallmarks of the Obama Administration has been a pass-the-buck mentality where President Barack Obama rarely claims responsibility for scandals or failures. In 2013, this trend continued, with federal agencies, political allies, servicemembers, and even whole countries thrown under Obama's bus.
1. Obama Blames Secret Service for Cancelled White House Tours - 3/13/13 
After sequester cuts took effect, President Obama explained to ABC News in March that the decision to cancel White House tours was ultimately made by the Secret Service and not by the White House, adding his administration attempted to look for ways to continue White House tours for school groups. 
“This was not a decision that went up to the White House,” said Obama.“What I’m asking them is: are there ways, for example, for us to accommodate school groups who may have traveled here with some bake sales? Can we make sure that kids potentially can still come to tour?”
“What the Secret Service explained to us was that they were going to furlough some folks,” Obama explained. “What furloughs mean is people are going to lose a day of work and a day of pay, and the question for them is how deeply do they have to furlough their staff and is it worth it to make sure that we got White House tours if it means you have a whole bunch of families who are depending on a paycheck who are suddenly seeing a 5 or 10 percent reduction in their pay?”
2. Obama Forces Out IRS Official In Wake Of Agency Scandal - 5/15/13 
President Obama announced in May that acting commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, Steve Miller, resigned following reports that IRS staffers engaged in partisan activity that unfairly targeted conservative organizations who attempted to attain tax-exempt status. 
The president stated he directed Treasury Secretary Jack Lew to accept Miller’s resignation saying he wanted to "make sure nothing like this ever happens again” by holding individuals accountable.
Find out the other 8 Obama Threw under the bus and read the rest of the story HERE.

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1 comment:

  1. Accepting resignation of someone who didn't do any of the high crimes is as effective in stopping crime as Obama trying to confiscate guns from the people who don't commit crimes.

    The person who did the high crimes was promoted already, to RUN ObamaCARE!
