Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Sarah Palin Defends Romney And His Adopted Grandchild

MSNBC ridiculed Mitt Romney's adopted black grandchild.

Palin went to bat for Romney, while most on the right remained silent.

She's no stranger to attacks like this from the left wing media.

If only Mitt would return the favor some day.

One can only hope.....

Holy unbelievable. The hypocritical leftist lamestream media should be shamed by every caring, child-loving American. It has once again reached a new low. See the article linked below. One just can't win in their petty little games. Good thing most Americans don't play those little games! It's a beautiful thing the Romney family has done by embracing “the spirit of adoption.” What on earth is more beautiful? Shame on MSNBC for mocking this. 

The LSM's pursuit of “shock ratings” is unreal. Governor Mitt Romney ran for higher office with what I believe is a servant's heart. He was saddled with some sup-par campaign tactics. That does not make him a bad person nor does it open his children or grandchildren to attacks over a year after the fact. This latest attack from the Left is despicable. 

Leftist media hounds are not expressing an opinion with this attack; they are expressing a prejudice that would never be accepted if it came from anyone else but the lib media. 

You really need a conscience, yellow journalists. May your 2014 New Year's Resolution be to find one.  

Thank you, Romney family, for giving a child a family full of love.

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  1. RW, Romney best over backwards to be nice to Palin-for years, while she actively tried to derail him over and over again. Spare me.

    I do not understand your snark. Plus, this is not about Palin.

    "He was saddled with some sup-par campaign tactics." hahahahaha. She had to throw that in there. Too funny.

    Every controversy, (large or small), is an opportunity for Sarah Palin. Let's just put it that way.


  2. Plus, most of the right did not remain silent. That is silly.


  3. Romney doesn't need defending by Sarah Palin. However, it would have been better for her to defend him when it actually mattered. She couldn't bring herself to do it, even with the country at stake.


  4. Martha, you couldn't be more wrong. She actually went as far as to defend him against attacks on his faith in her book. Geez. Why are you so freaking bitter? Must suck to go through life like that.

  5. Romney's best attempt at defending her was snarking with David Letterman about her abilities with a rifle.

  6. And yes. Most of the right has been silent, other than some of the conservative press. I think I saw a quote from Priebus, but that's about it. You would think a rabid Rombot such as yourself would be grateful.

  7. RW, me bitter. Um, you are the one who wrote this post the way you did. lol

    Plus, no one read her book, but they did see her, time and again, trying to undermine Romney when it mattered most. This is just a fact. We all saw it.

  8. The Democrat "war on grandchildren." LOL

  9. Martha, that was her 2nd book. I believe it sold in excess of 1,000,000 copies. I can;t verify that any of them read it, but that's a lot.

  10. Martha, I was as supportive of Romney and his family in this post as I've ever been. I think what MSNBC did is despicable. Clear?

  11. RW, no. It's all over the conservative press. Everywhere.

    Yes, you think it was despicable, but strangely, you framed your post with, isn't Sarah Palin nice, and Romney bad? He needs to thank Sarah Palin! I just found your approach to ths story odd.

    The truth is that no matter what she wrote in her book, she acted badly during the campaign, and contrary to the best interest of the country. The stunt showing up in NH on a fake bus tour was just embarrassing, and more followed. She proceeded to undermine him and snark about him for months and months, long after his nomination was inevitable. It was simply unhelpful to defeating Obama. And everyone knows it. She was jealous, clearly.

    Plus, both Sarah and Mitt are over. It's time to move on. I doubt the Romney's are losing any sleep over this. MSNBC is just laughable.

    The new fight is keeping Hillary Benghazi Clinton out of the WH. We need to work together.


  12. Well, actually Sarah and Mitt are not exactly over. Sarah will continue to promote herself, and insert herself into every possible controversy, in order to keep her brand alive.

    Mitt will move on with his life, and try to help where he thinks he can.


  13. Martha, I'm not talking about the conservative press. Although Palin is technically part of the press, she's also an influential political figure. Name me another other than Preibus who has spoken out. Any other former or current elected official. Just one.

  14. This just shows the incredible depth of your never ending PDS.

  15. RW, okay, fair enough. But you rightly point out that Palin is seen much more a media figure now than as a former official.

    But does it really matter that no former or current elected officials make a statement? It's not a big deal. Yes it's horrible, but really just par for the course for stupid leftists. Like I said, I doubt the Romney's care. This is a tempest in a teapot, IMO.


  16. RW, for crying out loud. Your RDS is at least as bad as my PDS--or worse. LOL.


  17. "Romney best over backwards to be nice to Palin-for years, while she actively tried to derail him over and over again. Spare me." Totally false statement. In short, while Mr. Romney himself was ultimately, a gentleman, many of his supporters including you had a lack of class towards many Republican family members and this is what hurt the party and we are still recovering from the lack of class from the Romney camp.

  18. Oh, I can assure you they care. That little baby cannot defend himself, and he will likely see this someday. Search engines will still be around when he's old enough to navigate the internet. It's inexcusable for children and grand children to be used as political pawns.

  19. Romney didn't attack Palin, but Palin was constantly attacking Romney and lying about Romney from the start. Romney scheduled to announce he'd run for president, and then Palin drove her little wagon to the same town and tried to steal some of Romney’s thunder. Palin has no class.
    Democrats commented on Palin’s classless action that one might do this to an opponent of the other party, but one doesn't do this sort of thing to members of your own party

    Palin’s decision to run for president while pretending she was a “journalist” was sickening, and the worst sort of industry revolving door with government. It is a highly dangerous thing when there are no watchdogs or real regulation by leveling the playing field. Journalists are supposed to have integrity or they’re useless. Palin is useless.

    This was a horrid time for Palin to nurse her grudges and wish for a brokered convention. Her alliances in the Republican Party were the craziest, Leftist, and most stupid people in the party: Newt and Rick Perry. Defend adoption? Martha is right, she did NOT support Romney when it mattered. Period.

  20. Palin acts like a Democrat, she did class warfare in the Republican primary! She pulled charlatan gimmick about "where's Romney's tax return?" when nutjobs like Harry Reid were making up fictitious, merely potential problems out of thin air.

    Palin even smeared capitalism to attack Romney with her support for Rick Perry's "vulture capitalism" remarks, etc. Palin also attacked the Republican Party in general just so she could insult Romney. She used tactics typically used by Democrats, since Republicans know these ideas are not even close to reality, just caricatures made up by Democrat Party PR stunt men, those so-called “yellow journalists.” Palin insulted “country club republicans.”

  21. Keep it coming, because it's important for other to see how deranged so many Romney supporters are.

  22. Palin is full of rubbish and she earned her nickname, "Palinista." Ruby Giuliani even came out to give Palin a smack down for the stupid comments she and her pals Rick Perry and Newt were making about the economy so they could promote Newt's "Bain Capital" smear film. And Giuliani didn't even like Romney.

    But evidently Rudy likes Republicans, so he’s light-years ahead of Palin. That is just how far off the Republican beaten path the crazies and zanies went to attack Romney. And like Kennedy attacking President Carter in a primary, it does NOT help.

    No, Palin did not help Republicans, but the opposite. Her publicity stunts riding a Harley are not presidential, and she was parading around the country insulting Republicans and mislabeling Republicans. Even Rick Santorum didn’t threaten people in the party who disagreed with him as though he was a “grizzly bear.”

    No, Palin is the perennial ‘barracuda,’ the highly offensive shark. She is not Romney’s victim, you have this all backwards, RightWingNut.

    Also, your moniker has one of Palin's problems, it repeats a Democrat mantra that is FALSE. It comes from the nutjob billary's discredited claim that rapist Bill Clinton was innocent, and indictments of Bill merely part of a partisan "vast rightwing conspiracy." Didn't you know, Billary's "no Tammy Wynette."

  23. Although NO fan of Christie, Palin pretending to be superior to him was over the top. Palin snarked that Christie was exhibiting 'noob' behavior in handling the press.


    At the same time Palin was smearing her remarks around town that christie was letting the press get his 'panites all in a wad,' palin posed for photo ops holding up gigantic 'elephant-sized' pink panties.

    Palin has no class and she acts like a Democrat. The fact of the matter is that McCain also ought to belong to the Democrat Party, and Palin was HIS lame act of throwing acid at the Republican Party. When family and traditional marriage was under attack, both Palin and McCain thought it was perfect timing to bring out onto the stage front and center the unwed Republican child with child: a perfect news commodity, to heck with the daughter and individuals in the midst of turmoil and massive personal trauma.

  24. With friends like McCain and Palin, Republicans don't need enemies.

  25. LOL RW. You got what you came for. (Another smackdown of Sarah Palin.) You must love pain, or are you just nostalgic for the good old days at RS?


  26. Actually, what's happening here, is supporters of your idol are making fools of themselves after Palin went out of her way to say nice things about Mitt.

    You took the bait. How does it feel to be on the same side as a loon like btp?

  27. It's a pity that you guys don't realize how foolish you look right now.

  28. To me Palin is a DNC publicity stunt, suggesting that Republicans are stupid and trailer trash. She has zero credibility as a conservative, or as a Republican. Campaigning for the Office of the President in snakeskin stilettos didn't help USA much either. The reason Palin didn't run for President is she couldn't.

    The main reason Romney did not attack Palin, is there was no need. She quit her job as governor.

    You traitors and pseudo conservatives need to get a life.
    Jon Stewart was quite accurate that Romney was the eHarmony answer to the conservative/Republican profile, and Romney could have been a trip to Handsome Town for America.

  29. Rightwingnut, you exhibit little heart for Palin's daughter.

  30. Of course the point is that Palin snarks like a Democrat. In my family if it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it is a duck.

  31. And naturally, since the truth is already out there and Palin's Leftism is known, what snarks like 'barracuda' all her life, is not suddenly today a completely different animal of all sweet sunshine and conservativism. Go peddle your evil snares where we don't already know you, Nut.

  32. FYI, since some may be looking on that aren't familiar with all of the players on this site....

    .....these are all supporters of MITT ROMNEY making these comments. Mormon supporters.

  33. I would assume the Mormon church would be very disappointed if they saw this.

    I'm fine with it. If they want to continue to make themselves and fellow Mormons look bad, it's up to them. Notice the decent Mormons on the site never step in and say enough is enough.

    Give these people enough rope, and they will hang themselves EVERY TIME.

  34. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2013/12/31/Palin-Holy-Unbelievable-Despicable-MSNBC-Mocked-Romney-s-Black-Grandchild?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

  35. Meanwhile, Palin supporters, in the linked thread to follow and everywhere else I've seen them, are in full support of Mitt Romney and his family on this issue.


  36. That's called class. Something of which, you guys have NONE.

  37. Newt was run out of the speakership by his own party, and that is the person Palin aligned herself with. She has no class.

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0112/71873.html#ixzz2p4fCJRgR

  38. Martha is precisely correct, this article is entirely underhanded tripe.

  39. RW, there are absolutely some Palin haters on here. Other than Martha, who is a Mormon and a known Palin hater, the other anonymous posts may not be Mormon. Please don't classify us all the same. I'm glad Sarah Palin defended the adoption. I agree that children schools be loved and provided for. My own family is multi racial through adoption. I just didn't grow up thinking of it at all, since my brother joined our family in the 60's when it wasn't as common as it is today.


  40. Palin has zero class, and she is still Palin, the one so popular with Democrats in South Carolina that decided to vote in the Republican Primary


  41. RW, I've got a New Year's Resolution for you: move on from your Mormon problem. We get that you like to look down your nose at Mormons. But enough already. lol


  42. "Greenville County GOP alone in fighting the Party’s dilution by “Democrats, communists, independents” and others who now can vote in GOP primaries.”


    "$300,000.00 money owed from lawsuits that followed the ouster of more than 200 mostly GOP candidates from the ballot last year in SC."

    "In a similar case in Idaho in 2007, it was held that the right to challenge the state’s open primary could only be asserted by the State Republican Party, not a group of members' proposal to sue on its behalf."

    "Sources state that there were boxes of evidence and testimony proving that democrats vote in Republican primaries."

  43. Does RW like to party or what? Whoo hoo! This is his idea of a good time. Ring out the old, ring in the new! One more Palin/Romney bash-fest. Ha ha.


  44. "Democrats are going to make sure that Graham’s legacy of being a John McCain-style 'so-called' moderate doesn’t end soon." McCain is a Democrat.

    Like McCain, Graham champions unprincipled leadership, and they fight against conservatism, conservatives, and a free America.

    Recently there was a recognition reflex among democrats when McCain "accidentally" walked into one of the Democrat Party's caucus-type congressional gatherings-he's one of them and they know it. And " ... Graham has fallen under the tutelage of John McCain."

    "State senator Lee Bright, Richard Cash and Nancy Mace are ... patriots trying to dethrone Graham in Washington."

    This is our country at stake, and all numbskulls like "Nut" do is stab at Republicans. You are NOT a uniting force. Nice try. Your comments are as lowlife as Palin herself.

  45. RW, I like to give you a bad time, (and clearly you have some issues), but I do wish you a Happy New Year. I expect that you and I will be on opposite sides in 2016. You like the Palin clone (Cruz) and I would like someone who can win. I don't know who that is yet, but it's sure as heck not Cruz. So here's to a new year of disagreement.


  46. AZ, I'm not a Palin hater, I guess someone could think that, though. I think she's a fraud, and a shameless opportunist who did her best to stop Romney from winning. The facts show that she did. All the snarking from RW doesn't change her actions, which everyone saw with clear eyes.

    Plus, RW is always trying to shame Mormons, when he should check his own actions. I couldn't care less what his faith is. All fall short. Everyone one of us.

    But anyway, Happy New Year to you, as well!



  47. Giuliani isn't a Romneybot, and he called out Palin's ignorance about how our economy works. One doesn't have to vote for Romney to know Palin is a twerp. Americans do not like Palin. Get over it.

    Palin quit when she was elected governor. No man gets brought up again in that circumstance. Making Palin's words press-worthy is Leftist media thuggery, utter nonsense and divisive without any up side.

    Christie isn't a Romneybot, and Palin unloaded her rag-tag barracuda idiocy on him.

    Rick Perry is Palin's stupid idea and notion of a 'public servant type' governor. Enough already. Rick Perry has books and volumes written about his massive corruption and evil. He is VERY like Obama, and Rick Perry's in reality the most Leftist Democrat in Texas.

    Palin is nothing to anyone, except a Democrat Party publicity stunt. Enemedia fodder, period.

  48. Actually, Martha, I don't have the slightest problem with Mormons. I'm kind of a live and let live kind of guy. I just don't care. But I enjoy needling you in the eye.

    AZ, The serial anon commenter is "by the people." He's a Mormon.

  49. Also, Cruz was born in Canada, and Republicans like our Constitution. He has zero opportunity to be the pic of Republicans or Conservatives.

    Cruz is nothing but enemedia nonsense. Cruz complains about Republicans because they DO NOT follow him, contrary to enemedia DNC publicity campaigns that proclaim Cruz a leader in the Republican Party. Cruz isn't a leader of the Republican Party, and he never will be. Enemedia are liars and demonic in their smug high-schoolish ways.

    Cruz doesn't even have a birth certificate forgery for being born in Hawaii.

  50. By the People is female and clearly in the majority who find Palin classless and meaningless today.

  51. RW, "Actually, Martha, I don't have the slightest problem with Mormons. I'm kind of a live and let live kind of guy. I just don't care. But I enjoy needling you in the eye."

    Sorry, not buying it. It's not just me, it's everyone here. In fact, you enjoy accusing people of being Mormon. What is up with that?

    So yeah, you're not being honest about your Mormon problem.

    I don't know anything about btp. but how do you know he/she is Mormon, and why in the world do you care?


  52. Martha,

    "I don't know anything about btp. but how do you know he/she is Mormon, and why in the world do you care?" - Martha

    I guess we'll just have to take his word for it. How do we really know YOU'RE a Mormon?

  53. RW, you're constantly calling out anyone you suspect is Mormon for shaming. Why do you have an inclination to shame Mormons? It's weird for someone who says he's a live and let live guy.


  54. "Nut" has 19+ serial comments to his own article. He's the one with a nonsensical attitude. Most Republicans admire Romney, this isn't the odd position. In fact most Independents admire Romney. The enemedia can't get enough of their doggie wars types of nonsense, and they hypocritically fail to point out how Obama EATS dog.

  55. You clearly have a Mormon problem, otherwise you would address the merits of an argument, rather than the religion of people who post comments.


  56. What's the difference between Palin- lovers and a bucket of Democrats? -The Bucket.

  57. RW, come right out, and get it all off your chest. It will be cathartic. End of year cleansing, and then you can move on as a new person for 2014. Do we need to organize an intervention?


  58. I have to go live my life now. Happy New Year everyone.


  59. Rmoney, Saracuda cat-fights. Precious memories neverending. Please proceed..

  60. OK, If you want to believe I have a "Mormon problem," go ahead and believe it! I don't care. Not only do I not care about someone's religion, but I also rarely care what people on the internet think. Do what you have to do. Believe what you have to believe.

  61. "Also, Cruz was born in Canada," Funny how many Romneyites are not only classless, they are also Double Birthers.

  62. You are clueless, OJ. Giuliani is not a Romney-ite, but he called out palinista. Palin doesn't understand capitalism or job creation, and she attacked Christie as though she's his superior.

    Quitting her job as governor eliminated palin as a serious person. You are the zombie fringe. Palin didn't run for president because she COULD NOT.

    Palin continually exhibits pathetic loser sour grapes from McCain days, and likes revenge on GOP just like her bff Newt relishes it. Nobody makes Palin follow Romney around in her wagon heckling him.

    There is nobody to blame for Palin being lame except Palin. People posting the truth about her here are not the sponsor of her antics, just messengers in the face of Bug Trolls rampantly attracted to this site.

  63. Donald Trump is hardly Mormon, yet he easily comprehends the simple truth that American presidents MUST be born in USA. What is your problem? Why can't you 'get it'?

  64. As Mitt Romney suavely put it, "No one has ever asked to see my birth certificate."

  65. I was not talking about Mr. Giuliani. Quit winding yourself up with non-sense. BTW, A US President does not have to be born in the United States as long as he is born of a US citizen. BTW, Trig Palin is not running for President, so you guys might want to take it easy.

    "Donald Trump is hardly Mormon" And who said he was????

  66. " Palin didn't run for president because she COULD NOT." I suppose you clowns think she was born in Canada too. Some Romneyites are always good for a good laugh.

  67. Giuliani: Romney is a world class flip flopper


  68. Would you please provide the link where Giuliani ripped Palin? Thanks.

  69. By Mexican law, George and Mitt Romney were both born dual citizens of Mexico. I'm disappointed that neither renounced their Mexican citizenship.

  70. I do have children like that. We who adopt kids of different colors, shapes, sizes and abilities, have heard this 'snark' before. And we consider the ignorant sources. A lot of it Many from our own party types. I am bored and tired of queenie palin jumping on every issue. She does not represent me as an adoptive mom, as a woman or a
    republican. Just STFU, and let this rest. I find it odd she's supporting Romney NOW after she refused to during the elections. Ellie.

  71. "Would you please provide the link where Giuliani ripped Palin? Thanks" They cannot!

  72. And why Ellie should she have supported Mr. Romney during the GOP primary???

  73. The false outrage of palin is touching.

  74. If anybody are false, it would be the Romneyites. How soon they forget the antics of Mrs. Romney.

  75. Mormons never seem to question each other. Are 'they' allowed to?

  76. "Just STFU, and let this rest. I find it odd she's supporting Romney NOW after she refused to during the elections. Ellie."

    Let the record show that Ellie is a Mormon as well.

    She is not allowed to say "STFU."


  77. On another note, Ellie, along with Martha, have a notorious history of attack Palin's children. Including wading into the Trig Truther BS. Hopefully, this entire episode has proven to be educational.

  78. By the way, I can't urge you enough to read this top to bottom.


  79. "Swearing" constitutes far more than just a few four letter words, according to that article.

  80. Some alternate suggestions to "STFU" for Ellie. Per the article:

    "Oh my heck," "flip," "fetch," "gad"....

  81. RW, you don't try to shame Mormons, huh? ha ha ha. You are such a hypocrite.

    I do not have a notorious history of attacking Palin children. Never happened. That is a bold lie. I felt sorry for them. Produce proof that I did it one single time. You can't.

    As for Trig Truth, I have not changed my opinion on it one iota. I'm free to have that opinion, and it's based on photos. So what?

    This is just out of control. Nice job, RW. You must be so proud.


  82. And Palin's vile support of Perry and Newt attacks on Romney's Bain Capital experience received Rudy Giuliani's rebuke since what they were saying is what Saul Alinsky taught Barack Obama, and it shows the "dumbest, most ridiculous ideas ... {and} ignorance of the economic system."


  83. Showing your idiocy once again. I thought maybe you had come to your senses over time. Obviously not.

  84. I asked you for a link showing Giuliani ripping Palin. Still haven't found it, I see.

  85. Martha, after all these years, still doesn't think Trig is Sarah's biological child. What a flucking loon.

  86. Giuliani asked, “What the hell are you doing, Newt? I expect this from Saul Alinsky! This is what Saul Alinsky taught Barack Obama, and what you’re saying is part of the reason we’re in so much trouble right now.”

    Giuliani broadened his criticism to include the attacks on Bain Capital launched by both Gingrich and Texas Governor Rick Perry, who he described as “a very close friend of mine.” “I’m shocked at what they’re doing,” said Giuliani. “It’s ignorant and dumb.

    It’s building something we should be fighting in America, ignorance of the economic system, playing on the dumbest, most ridiculous ideas about how you grow jobs.” He characterized the attacks on Romney’s private sector career as “unfair and bad for the Republican Party.”
    Giuliani really dislikes Romney, so this is big news that he got so hot that he came to Romney's defense.

    Asked about attacks from Texas Gov. Rick Perry that Romney is a "vulture capitalist," the former Alaska governor said Perry is just holding his rival accountable.

    Palin is stupid and/or lying. Romney made his profits in the private sector, he was NOT a politician at that time.

  87. "This isn't about a politician making huge profits in the private sector," Palin said. ????? She's not too bright, or a charlatan or BOTH. I vote for the later: both.

  88. And in typical RomNot fashion Palin tells us that the OWS RINOs are really helping Romney by vetting him on this issue before Obama can.

  89. Giuliani broadened his criticism to include the attacks on Bain Capital launched by Palin, Gingrich, and Texas Governor Rick Perry, who he described as “a very close friend of mine.” “I’m shocked at what they’re doing,” said Giuliani. “It’s ignorant and dumb. It’s building something we should be fighting in America, ignorance of the economic system, playing on the dumbest, most ridiculous ideas about how you grow jobs.” He characterized the attacks on Romney’s private sector career as “unfair and bad for the Republican Party.”

  90. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/01/giuliani-calls-gingrichs-anti-romney-attacks-ignorant-dumb/

    These Newt anti-Romney attacks very supported by Palin.

  91. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/01/sc-republicans-boo-newt-gingrich-over-romney-attacks/

  92. Palin wars all over again. So senseless. I do feel sorry for you all though. Maybe Palin will move to Colorado so she can get back to good times.


  93. Newt Gingrich was loudly booed when he criticized Mitt Romney’s record at Bain Capital, according to a Republican who attended the closed-press event.

    “They were really angry,” said the attendee. The forum will be aired on Fox News tonight.


    Palin's husband endorsed Newt for her. Palin was big promoter of Newt and his Bain Capital smear film against Romney.

    Sarah Palin Is Trashing Romney Over Bain Capital


  94. RW, The photos don't make sense. That's all I ever said, and that's what I still stay. It doesn't make me a loon, just someone who has been pregnant 5 times myself, and who has observed many pregnancies. It's hard to believe that Sarah Palin could be so wildly different from the norm. In fact, it's looney to think that. Just the facts, please.

    Now look, RW has dragged me into a Trig truther battle. He must be as happy as a clam.


  95. Simply put, Giuliani characterized Palin's attacks on Romney’s private sector career as “unfair and bad for the Republican Party."

    “I’m shocked at what they’re doing,” said Giuliani. “It’s ignorant and dumb. It’s building something we should be fighting in America, ignorance of the economic system, playing on the dumbest, most ridiculous ideas about how you grow jobs.

    As far as I know nobody said Giuliani ripped anyone, but he clearly had no respect for what Palin, Perry and Newt were up to. Giuliani is no Rombot, but there are plenty of trolls on RightSpeak who are RomNots.

  96. Giuliani added: “What they are doing to Mitt right now is totally, absolutely unfair and bad for the Republican Party.”

    Palinista was definitely part of the "they" Giuliani rebuked.


  97. Really stupid comment about Palin. Nobody ever complained that Palin was not born in USA. Sarah Louise Palin born February 11, 1964 in Sandpoint, Idaho. Guilty conscience confusing your 'mind'?

  98. Just think nearly 100 comments bashing Palin because she had the audacity to DEFEND and say nice things about the Romneys. I hope next time, she calls him out for the phony loser that I've always known him to be. No more nice words for Mitt, Sarah. Please. If he's anything like his supporters, he doesn't appreciate it anyway.

  99. Palin had too little support to mount a campaign, hence the saying "she couldn't" run for President.

    Overall, two-thirds of registered Republican voters wanted Palin to stay out of the race.


  100. That said, I'm glad my troll bait post worked. Hope it didn't ruin your day too much. Hahahaha

  101. I'm positive obama is behind Sarah Palin propaganda malarkey and press coverage, it is his state run press after all. Republicans do not want this, but Obama clearly is into divisiveness.

  102. Republicans do not care anything about Palin this or Palin that, but Democrat trolls love it. McCain is a Democrat, we all know it and so do the Democrats.

  103. "I acted like a Democrat buffoon on purpose." ~RightWingNut

  104. RW, that is the problem. Every post you ever do is troll bait. It's the air you breath. Why? You get your jollies by shaming Mormons and starting fights? Whatever floats your boat.

    I realize you are still smarting over Palin being exposed as a complete lightweight and fraud, and truth is that many of the comments here about her were rude and hurtful, especially by me. But the Mitt/Palin war is over, and Mitt won. What is the sense for you to hope that she tells the truth about him? He's over, she's over. You should move on. Plus, Mitt showed who he is, and people respect him. Almost all Republicans admire him, and wish he were pres right now. I doubt they think that about Palin. Anyone who calls Mitt a phony loser is just denying reality.


  105. You are completely idiotic to think people are commenting on anything except your underhanded bashing of Romney, while in actuality you are complimenting Palin "The Barracuda" (as she was called in high school basketball) as a "nice person." Sharing the real truth is not bashing anyone. The truth is Palin drove her wagon around raining on Romney's parade, motivated much like Huntsman. They are transparently pea green with envy.

    Palin's nice because she isn't bashing Romney for a change? Sorry, this is supercilious brain-out of RomNots.

    Don't hold your breath for Republicans to praise the Palinista who wished for a Republican brokered convention. Not going to happen. Taking a tiny pause break from attacking Romney with lies isn't praiseworthy. Naturally it is better than jumping in to attack Romney along with the enemedia, the way Palin usually does, but it isn't worth noting.

    Your demagoguery is getting the bashing and thrashing. People are just setting the record straight, and gagging at your zombie plantation orgy.

  106. Martha,

    My post was mostly positive. Actually, there is something for everyone. We all agree that the MSNBC crew was wrong. Palin called them out. She's on your side on this.

    Was one line about Romney not defending Palin against similar attacks THAT offending? Really? If so, you need to see a shrink. That said, I knew it would send you and btp over the edge, because you are both unhinged. Mission accomplished.

    I'm out of here. Have a nice night.

  107. Oh, and couched into your stinky sweet comments about Romney, who we KNOW you hate, is a trashing of all Republicans.

    "Palin went to bat for Romney, while most on the right remained silent."

    Certainly Romney needs no help from Palin, and she is the last person I'd want to go to bat for me if I were Romney. McCain's a Democrat.

    But most on the right? Have you ever been interviewed by the enemedia? If they ever do bother talking to conservatives, you can count on your video section being edited to show you saying the opposite of what you did say. Who the freak cares to talk to the enemedia, and they don't care to talk to actual conservatives.

    They do love talking about Cruz, and pretending Republicans are lame pious weirdos like Cruz. It is propaganda town, 24 / 7.

    Enemedia does not tell the truth about our views, not a complicated truth, and real conservatives know this reality all too well. And the topic isn't national business as far as I can see. God only knows? Just an adoption in and of itself isn't news-breaking to me. If you have a brain, you already know Romney family is great. This equals: no news.

  108. I agree Martha, RightWingNut posts inconsequential, rabble-rousing, hissy-fodder "troll bait."

    The thing is that he's the troll, not the conservatives he's batting about with his vituperative railing.

    (I know you already know this, Martha, I'm just summarizing.)

    We get plenty of abuse from the enemedia gang, and don't like coming to a conservative chat to be called "trolls" by a whole batch of Democrat Trolls attracted to this website by bullying opportunities.

    Democrats who come here would get a far different result if they honestly spoke their positions, instead they say mumbo jumbo slime like, "I am a conservative." They are psychopathic trolls, no conscience or values. And their convo with each other in this chat is degenerate vulgarity.

  109. This is the truth: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzN-GYcKF2s&feature=share
    Mitt Romney's Secret Weapon

  110. The responses to this post are bullsh*t. Palin tried to help. Indeed, Palin tried to help Romney last year, but what you Romney people don't realize is that her entreaties were rebuffed early on in the Campaign.

    The Romney Campaign was run by some of the most criminally inept looters ever to see the inside of an office on K-Street. I'm not surprised that some of them have tried to sell members of the Mormon Community and the GOP rank and file on the tall tale that Romney cratered against an President with historically high unemployment numbers because Sarah Palin wouldn't support him.

    That tale, like much of the garbage that emanated from Team Mitt, is a huge lie. If you folks actually knew the truth about what happened in 2012 (and it wasn't published in "Game Change", that's for public consumption) you would be astonished at the stupidity and avarice of Mitt's team and warmed by Palin's fearlessness.

    Never, EVER, was there a campaign run by more stupid and brain-dead people than Romney 2012. Not only did they reuse some of the same idiots who drove John McCain and George Bush the Younger right into the ground, but they proved that they couldn't beat Heinrich Himmler in an election for mayor of Miami Beach.

    You Romney people need to stop biting the hand that tries to help you out, which in this case, is what Sarah Palin was doing. She willingly showed that she understood the difference between Mitt the Man, a gentleman who would have made a good President, and his craven and incompetent campaign team.

    Too bad the Romney people here don't get that, even if us Palin folks understood that last year going in. I mean, you guys gave real money to Team Mitt and all you got for your efforts was Project ORCA, which didn't work on Election Day but ended up making a lot of Mitt's consultant friends fabulously rich. Heck, even Palin donated 5K to the effort.

    Now please knock off blaming Palin for your own side's incompetence. She has nothing to do with the craven greed and corruption of the GOP Establishment. She actually believes in winning elections and governing as Reagan did.

    Unlike you Establishment types, who couldn't beat Hitler in an election for mayor of Haifa.

  111. Palin most certainly has something to do with craven greed since she supported Newt Gingrich, the career politician Fannie-Mae-Freddie-Mac lobbyist who got rich in office.

  112. Running a campaign to promote a brokered convention for Republicans from the perch of being a "journalist" is the ultimate corruption, the revolving door between media journalists and government jobs.

    With 2/3rds of Republicans not wanting Palin to run for President, she still acted out with here dog-in-the-manger scenario.

    Palin did Prayer Palooza with Rick Perry, using taxpayer monies. Rick Perry was "W's" Lt Governor. That is an establishment tie, not to mention how Rick Perry was campaign manager for al gore when gore was running for president. Rick Perry always lying. He is very like Obama.

    Rick Perry is the worst and most corrupt, and Palin was more involved with Perry than anyone else. Both are anti-intellectual. Both are really dumb and corrupt posers.

  113. What rock did you crawl out from under? You're totally zombie brain dead if you think Republicans want ANYTHING, especially help, from Palin. We just want her to go away.

  114. Palin help Romney? She couldn't even help herself, or she would have run for President.

  115. Lots of people, including Giuliani, said Perry, Newt, and Palin attacks on capitalism were a disservice to America. Nobody thinks Palin's a factor of any kind. Palin and McCain are completely out, only dredged up by Obama's state-run propaganda machine.

  116. Btw, establishment types aren't conservatives. People who didn't appreciate Palin? they are the vast majority. Our parents already did defeat Hitler. Your tent city is calling for you, you better go now.

  117. Hi everyone.Great site. While I wasn't a Palin fan, its great to see her defend Romneys family. MSNBC is a joke and also has done this to Palin and others. Thank you Palin! I really wished Romney had won, he seems to be a nice man and a family man that we should have had in the white house and done a better job thsn Obama. I regret voting for Obama now, and only did so because my relatives all voted for him. But since things have not gone right, and my wife and I both lost our healthcare because of Obamacare. I am opening my eyes and coming around to the conservative cause. Thank you for letting me post here.

  118. I voted for Obama twice, too. And now regret he can't run again.

  119. Wow! Ongoing obsession on all sides. Hopefully 2014 will be the year folks can move on.

    I appreciate Palin's comments on this issue--they reflect much of what I was thinking.


  120. Finally, a voice of reason. Thanks, Hamaca !
