Friday, December 13, 2013

Paul Ryan has a lot Riding on his Budget Deal..including 2016 Creds

Like some of his GOP colleagues, Rep. Matt Salmon of Arizona plans to vote against the two-year budget deal because it raises federal spending caps. But while he criticizes the agreement, Mr. Salmon praises the man who negotiated it on behalf of House Republicans, Rep. Paul Ryan. 
"He wasn't like a used-car salesman, trying to tell us everything about it was perfect," Mr. Salmon said Wednesday after Mr. Ryan explained the deal. "He started out by acknowledging, 'Is this a perfect deal? Far from it.' " 
Mr. Ryan has more riding on the success of the budget deal than anyone in Congress. The Republican nominee for vice president last year may be able to count the agreement, if it passes the House, as an accomplishment to take into a potential run for president in 2016. But it also gives fellow conservatives an avenue to question his budget-cutting credentials. 
So far, the response from the most conservative GOP lawmakers has been good news for Mr. Ryan, the Budget Committee chairman who struck the deal with his Senate counterpart, Sen. Patty Murray (D., Wash.). The number of GOP House members who said Wednesday they would vote against the deal didn't appear large enough to sink the agreement. And there was little sign their opposition was extending to Mr. Ryan personally. 
"This doesn't do anything but raise his stature," said Rep. Tom Cole (R., Okla.), one of four House Republicans on the 29-member negotiating panel led by Mr. Ryan and Ms. Murray. 
Mr. Ryan has long been known as a policy specialist and his party's chief budget architect. He wrote ambitious budget blueprints that sought to reshape Medicare, lower tax rates and cut spending on a range of programs. Now, he will be able to cast himself as not just a policy thinker but a successful political leader if the deal is adopted.
Read the rest of the article HERE.

UPDATE articles:

Rep. Paul Ryan's budget passed by the House with 10 Republican defections:
The Republican-led House approved Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-Wis.) budget plan on Thursday by a 228-191 vote, as 10 GOP lawmakers defected and not one Democrat backed the measure.
With Noses Held, GOP Senators Say Budget Will Pass

Ryan Deal Limits Senate GOP’s Power to Block Tax Increases

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  1. Paul Ryan is a statesman. (Which is a lot more than you can say about most politicians.) He's not out there flapping his jaws or seeking the cameras, but take his job seriously and is willing to take the hits. I respect him tremendously.


  2. I still believe that if Paul Ryan decides to run in 2016, he can do the most damage against Chris Christie. He would even the playing field for everyone else.

    FOR THAT ALONE...I hope he runs.

  3. "I respect him tremendously."

    lol firmly due to the simple fact that he was the one that Romney selected.

  4. So Huck is also thinking of running. lol. My fear is that Christie will overpower everyone else in the debates. I hope I'm wrong.


  5. Every prominent conservative advocacy group has given an unequivocal THUMBS DOWN to Paul Ryan's budget deal.

    Americans for Prosperity, Heritage Foundation, Freedom Works, Tea Party Express, American Conservative Union, Cato Institute and Club for Growth have all BLASTED Ryan's budget deal, while Obama and other big spending liberal Democrats have praised it.

    It is precisely budget deals like Ryan's that have brought our country to the brink of bankruptcy with $17 trillion of debt and $100 trillion of unfunded liabilities.

    Apparently, Ryan never got the memo that when you're in a hole, the first thing you need to do is stop digging.


    YAWN. The sky isn't falling.

    But you have fallen into the trap of the people who use your anger for money. The are all corrupt as heck.


  7. LOL at Martha The Village Kook, who FALSELY accuses others of being rapist/pedophile defenders, while she worships in a church FOUNDED by the well-documented pedophile and polygamist Joseph Smith.

    Too bad that Martha The Village Kook never got the memo that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

    The ONLY person on this website with anger management issues is Martha The Village Kook, which she demonstrates almost every time she opens her vile and disgusting mouth.

    Frustrated by her OBVIOUS inability to debate political issues effectively, Martha The Village Kook is now desperately resorting to FALSE personal attacks against Right Speak participants who debunk and refute her silly, juvenile, bizarre comments.

  8. Paul Ryan is one of the very few good men in the legislature. Cruz , Rubio, and these other guys have never accomplished anything. They would shut down the govt., and cost us the Senate to save $50B, at most, in a nation with a $17T debt. I get it, they don't care about the Country, it's all about their own ambition.

    We have one chance, keep the House, and win back the Senate and Presidency. Then pass some new budgeting laws like Gramm/Rudman or constitutional amendments. Fighting and clawing at Dems right now to save a few billion is pointless and self defeating.


    You are so easy.



    Was joseph smith the founder of the mormon religion a Pedophile? He married a 14 year old when he was 38?

  11. I see several young girls on this list of Joseph Smith's wives. Two were as young as 14. Why doesn't Martha condemn a man who was obviously a pedophile.'s_wives


  12. Daughter of Heber C. Kimball. At aged 14, Helen Mar Kimball wrote,[33]

    "[My father] asked me if I would be sealed to Joseph … [Smith] said to me, ‘If you will take this step, it will ensure your eternal salvation & exaltation and that of your father's household & all of your kindred.[‘] This promise was so great that I willingly gave myself to purchase so glorious a reward. … [After the marriage] I felt quite sore over it … and thought myself an abused child, and that it was pardonable if I did murmur."'s_wives#CITEREFCompton1997

  13. Ah. Now you are afraid to sign your name. Either that or it's RM. Two peas in a pod. lol


  14. 14 was the age of consent back then. It wasn't illegal or considered morally wrong.

  15. That does not make it any less reprehensible, in my view, especially since there were a total of 34 wives. He even went as far as to marry women who were already married to other men. This is who Martha worships. Sick.

  16. Cimbri -

    Mary Elizabeth Rollins was 12 years old in 1831 when the founding prophet of Mormonism, Joseph Smith, 25, attempted to seduce her and take her to bed.

    Helen Mar Kimball was 14 years old in 1843 when Smith, 37, married her.

    The list goes on ...,448053

    As the following chart shows, females RARELY - 2% - married before the age of 15 during the mid-19th century.

    In most states during Smith's time, polygamy and group marriage were FELONIES, punishable by up to 5 years in prison.

    Facts are stubborn things.

  17. @Martha/pedophile defender/worshipper: as a Mother of daughters, how can you defend the above?

  18. All of this makes me wonder how many thousands, or perhaps millions of young girls have been abused in a similar fashion over the past two centuries by followers of that man. Even though Martha's church no longer sanctions such behavior, there is no shortage of followers of Joseph Smith who still use religious views as a convenient excuse to rape underage girls. Smith is directly responsible.

  19. I mentioned age of consent, which is not the same as marriage. Regardless, you guys shouldn't be attacking the Mormon religion. All religions have various fables and myths attached to their origins.

  20. That "40-year-old teacher" who Martha keeps ranting about looks like a SAINT compared to the founding prophet of her religion.

  21. Smith's moves to seduce other men's wives were so brazen and notorious that they led one distraught husband--Orson Pratt--to attempt suicide in Nauvoo on 15 July 1842:

    “Thousands of Nauvoo Mormons search[ed] for Orson Pratt after discovering a suicide note. They find him distraught because Smith, according to Pratt's wife, had tried to seduce Pratt's wife Sarah.”

    Not only did Smith have a reputation as a ladies' man, he also had a record of defending friends of his who were sleeping around.

  22. Cimbri -

    Well-documented facts are NOT fables and myths.

    We're not attacking the Mormon religion.

    We're simply citing historical facts about Smith and many of his followers.

  23. Kind David did the same thing. It happens.


    You make an idiot of yourself every single time you post. But I don't suppose you realize it. lol


  25. So cruz country. (creep name. worship him much? LOL). Where exactly is Cruzies budget? He's still wearing his 'I went to Mandela's funeral, and all I got was this crappy T-shirt' shirt. Also, if he could spare a second away from the camera's perhaps he can do some actual work as a sitting senator? Just a thought. Ellie.

  26. Cruz, you know your 'facts' are nothing but Bull manure.

  27. You all know Lee is also LDS, right? And he and cruzie are 'tight'.

  28. Lee does a great job, but that doesn't change the fact that Joseph Smith was a pedophile. This is not a condemnation of Mormonism, but Mormons who refuse to condemn Smith for his despicable actions are, in fact, defending rape and pedophilia. Many onlookers may find it ironic that a Mormon is accusing someone on the internet that she has never met (and without a shred of evidence) of being a rape and pedophile defender.

  29. Ellie -

    I do NOT "worship" Ted Cruz. I've criticized him occasionally. He's not perfect. But he's far and away the best we've got for 2016. That's why I'm doing whatever I can to support him.

    As for Senator Lee, last time I checked, he does NOT have 3 dozen wives and sexual relationships with 12-year-old girls like the founding "prophet" of Mormonism, Joseph Smith, did.

  30. Anon, why are you afraid to sign your name?

    I'm not accusing CC/NH/Rapist defender of anything. He himself revealed it. I'm simply reminding everyone of his perverted thinking.

    And, the lies being posted here are simply despicable, but predictable.


  31. Cruz has turned himself into a joke. He is not going anywhere, but on to further clowning. Plus, he looks like a villain, acts like a condescending arrogant jerk, and has exactly ZERO appeal as a candidate. There is no visible reason that I can find to support him. What has he actually done that would qualify him for the presidency? lol


  32. You criticize the great God Cruz? How DARE you!

    BTW, as a LDS woman, I take great offense to your hate. I don't worship Joseph Smith. He is a prophet, and there have been several other prophets that succeeded him. I worship Heavenly Father and his son, Jesus Christ. A fact lost in your hate of all things right and good.

  33. Sorry, 1039 was me. Ellie.

  34. There's no hate. Only disappointment in your refusal to disavow Joseph Smith's habit of bedding 12-16 year olds. You must be one sick puppy if you can't comprehend how reprehensible his actions were.

  35. A coward posting more lies. But we know you are either one of two people: RomneyMan, or Newark Hawk the rapist defender.


  36. @Martha/pedophile defender - Everything posted about the exploits of Joseph Smith is well documented and sourced. Are you suggesting that Smith didn't marry two 14 year old girls? Are you suggesting that he didn't have over 30 wives? What are the lies that you are referring to? Can you be more specific, so we can correct the record? I'd hate to mislead anyone.

  37. Why are you so afraid to identify yourself?

    No, everything posted was not well-documented, or sourced. lol

    You are a sick person. But then we already knew that.


  38. Just be more specific about the untruths. Which of the women/girls referenced as wives of Joseph Smith on the Wikipedia page are listed in error? It's not a trick question.
