Friday, December 6, 2013

Op-ed: ‘Moderate’ muslims…a non-existent politically correct fabrication of the left

‘Moderate’ muslims…a non-existent politically correct fabrication
of the left
By: Diane Sori

The sharia…soft jihad against the West stealthily creeping its way into the fabric of our American society with its repressive laws and lack of freedoms. The sharia…the antithesis of everything our Constitution and Bill of Rights expounds. The sharia brings to the forefront the question...are there really any moderate muslims?

My answer to that question is a simple NO.

Islam…the supposed ‘religion of peace' is anything but for if one is a follower of islam one takes the words of the qur’an to heart as the words of god (little ‘g’ for allah is a false god and NOT the one true living God of we Christians and Jews), and lives those words as allah commands. And as allah commands means at least 109 verses that tell the followers of islam…the muslims…in NO uncertain terms to kill the infidels…meaning us…with few words...few verses that tolerate or accept non-believers.

The concepts of humiliation and denigration runs rampant within the qur’an’s verses leaving non-believers to either convert or die…it really does all boil down to that. So if one truly follows islam and the words of the qur’an one simply cannot be a ‘moderate’ muslim for moderate views do NOT call for the death of those who do NOT follow their ways.

The qur’an can be summed up in this one verse, Sura 9.5: “So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them.” 

In other words, convert or die…NOT moderation by any means.

And while some muslims in this country claim to be ‘secular’ or ‘moderate’ that concept is really non-existent for one cannot be secular and embrace Western culture and be a muslim embracing the qur’an's words to kill the infidels at the same time. Western culture separates organized religion from matters of state, while islam is all about control over every aspect of one’s life…from how one conducts oneself in terms of one’s religious life to how one is adjudicated punishment if one breaks the law. And here is where the sharia comes in as more and more supposed ‘moderate' muslim communities across the US are embracing said sharia as their governance of choice.

And how can ‘moderate’ muslims truly exist in any form when on 9/11 so-called ‘moderates’ were celebrating the deaths of 3000 Americans by dancing in the streets all across America. And those who did NOT outwardly celebrate remained silent in their condemnation of those that did. Silence can and does speak louder than words and in the so-called 'moderate's' silence then…and their continuing silence now…that silence speaks of condoning for if one does NOT vocally condemn one does indeed condone. And even today when an act of jihad does occur those supposed ‘moderate’ voices still remain silent. The silence of ‘moderate’ voices over Benghazi and the Boston Marathon Bombing are but two cases in point, as it sadly seems that the only thing keeping those who call themselves ‘moderates’ from outwardly supporting the jihadis is fear, and the fact that they are but a small minority of the American populace.

And that mindset must be changed above all else for silence against the jihadis will forever cast those who call themselves ‘moderates’ as outsiders…and rightly so.

The muslim countries, specifically those in the Middle East, show NO signs of secularism nor any signs of moderation…as islam continues to wrap its tentacles around every miniscule detail of its followers lives until it figuratively and sometimes literally squeezes the very life out of one’s body.

Here in America the outward signs might NOT be so obvious to the casual observer as muslims might work alongside us…send their children to our schools…go shopping in our stores...dress somewhat like us (the hajib 'head bag' and burqa 'garbage bag' do rear their ugly head on more and more occasions it seems) yet even those who call themselves ‘moderates’ want special allowances made for them just to call attention to themselves. Using attention seeking as a way to promote islam…as in do every and anything including lying and living falsely (taqiyya) to promote and integrate islam into our society…to take over our society…the so-called ‘moderates’ are actually following the commands set down in the qur’an and therefore are NOT ‘moderates’ at all.

In muslim society, even muslim society here in America’s muslim communities, individual freedoms continue to get lost amongst both the arbitrarily adjudicated rules of the sharia and the strict commands of the qur’an, while the traditions and worship practices that define religiousness will continue to keep muslims living here from ever becoming true ‘moderates’ in any sense of the word that we view moderate anything as being.

American society…both culturally, religiously, and politically…must NEVER accept the false concept of a ‘moderate’ muslim let alone a ‘moderate’ muslim society until those who call themselves ‘moderates’ stand up en-masse and shout in loud and clear voices their condemnation of the jihadis…of the extremists…of the mullahs and imams who spread hate and perpetrate violence…and who then must shout in those same loud and clear voices their love for and allegiance to America…to our Constitution…and to America’s rules of law alone.

And so while Barack HUSSEIN Obama (I will NOT call him president) continues to claim that “the United States is a Muslim nation” we know the truth in that lie as well as we know the truth that a ‘moderate’ muslim is a non-existent, politically correct fabrication of the left and probably will always remain so.

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  1. The Koran reflects wartime conditions, so that you will see references to wartime activities. If the Bible had been written during large scale war, it might have similar references to crushing the enemy, etc. Regardless, many a Christian Emperor or King used the cross as a sword.

    The fact is, we were doing fine with the Muslims before Israel appeared. Let's just be honest about it. Even so, while there was some sporadic problems with them, we were fine, before we invaded an Arab country, Iraq in order to help another Arab country, Kuwait. That led to bases in Saudi Arabia which led directly to 9-11. Should have let Sadaam, the leader of a secular nation, have Kuwait. We stuck our big nose in their business and got burned as a result.

  2. Actually, the Old Testament, does reference war, in Jericho, etc., but it's different in that the Bible was put together over a long period of time, whereas the Koran was put together in a short time frame, and in wartime conditions.

  3. Cimbri, your tunnel vision is another display of the irrational Leftist guilt complex. You just aren't that powerful, you did not cause all the grief in the world. Conflicts between factions DO result in conflicts over resources.

    In the 1600's Muslims were famous for their highly evolved explosives, digging elaborate networks of tunnels to crumble and breach fortress walls in Europe. *See The Siege of Vienna 1/5

    Bombings are also Sharia compliant as they severe limbs, heads, arms, and feet. This is a punishment for being an infidel. Anyone, including Muslims, who fails to be Sharia compliant is defined an infidel.

  4. Muslims are taught hatred for
    infidels from the cradle. You didn't cause this, Cimbri. Notice that in the Battle of Vienna the Muslims are attacking Europe.

    Spain sent Columbus to discover America as they finally achieved driving out the Muslims from ruling Granada and much of Spain. Muslims are on the record attempting to conquer the West for the past 1388 years. The fault we have in the eyes of the Muslims is being infidels. To them our crime is being infidels.

  5. One cannot measure the actions of Muslim nations with our own situation, there is no separation of Church and state. The behavior of their nations IS the behavior of their 'religion.' They themselves constantly express irritation at the West for calling Islam a religion. Their philosophy makes no distinction or acceptance of faith not governing matters of state.

  6. Spy Chief Calls Muslim Brotherhood 'Secular'

    The Obama administration took the rare step Thursday of correcting its own intelligence chief after the official claimed Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood is "largely secular."

    Director of National Intelligence James Clapper discussed the Islamist group during a hearing on Capitol Hill earlier Thursday. He testified that the organization has "pursued social ends" and a "betterment of the political order," and downplayed its religious underpinnings.

    "The term 'Muslim Brotherhood' ... is an umbrella term for a variety of movements, in the case of Egypt, a very heterogeneous group, largely secular, which has eschewed violence and has decried Al Qaeda as a perversion of Islam," Clapper said.

    But the DNI later issued a statement to "clarify" that claim.

    "To clarify Director Clapper's point, in Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood makes efforts to work through a political system that has been, under Mubarak's rule, one that is largely secular in its orientation. He is well aware that the Muslim Brotherhood is not a secular organization," DNI spokesperson Jamie Smith said.

    While the Brotherhood has renounced violence, one of its goals is to pursue the creation of an Islamic state. The CIA's own website lists the Brotherhood as a "religious-based" party.

  7. There are those in the middle east who long for secular government. Obama is friends to their enemies, to the foes of freedom.

    At Cairo University in early 2009 Obama explained that he considered it his job as President of the United States to control our media. He told them he would not allow negative stereotypes of Muslims in our U.S. press. Sharia Law forbids a free press.

    Cimbri, Obama said we didn't go to Afghanistan by choice. He said this is not an opinion, but a fact.

  8. Mosque activity very political, including and especially in America. Muslims are highly involved in a propaganda war.

  9. Wake up DNC. Your leaders ARE also globalist Big Business, the greedy. Check out your Secretary of State, John Kerry.

    One must question what is going on in Obama's mind and administration with our security in the balance. Obama's Director of National Intelligence knows less than he and the media do about terrorist arrests in the world?

    "During a televised interview in December alongside other top security officials, Clapper was stumped when asked about a major set of terror arrests in Great Britain.

    The White House later acknowledged that Clapper had not yet been briefed about the sweep, while defending him as 'the consummate DNI.'"

  10. I have to disagree with Cimbri. The Christian conflict with muslims goes way, way back long before Israel, even before the U.S. I don't necessarily agree with all the opinions in the op ed or the comments section, but, Cimbri, you desperately need a history lesson.

    I believe one of the ways the West appeased muslim sensibilities was joining with Hitleresque leaders and denying Jews entrance into Palestine before and during World War II. The fact that those Jews who were lucky enough to escape Hitler and the Nazis had no where to go for even temporary respite is a shameful period in our history. JFK's dad was involved in that, I believe. I knowe he was an anti semite. Amazing that the Jews in this country vote so religiously for the left even when they are anti semite.

    Anyway, cimbri, you could start by reading the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, as I have. Then spend some time reading about the barbary pirates and the Moors attack and domination of Spain. Muslims are no more peaceful than other people, and they do like to dominate those they rule over.


  11. I read the Rise and Fall at age 12.

    Well aware of the 1400 year old design by Muslim powers to spread throughout the Earth.

    Our recent problems were started with our involvement in Iraq in the first war there after Sadaam attacked Kuwait. That led to air bases in SA.

  12. cimbri, the Muslims say it starts with supporting Israel at all, ever. But no, they loathe the infidel so much it is worst to be an infidel than to rape or murder. Fact.

  13. Ten Obvious Reasons Islam is not the Religion of Peace

    Woman who exposed Sharia horrors executed by militants in Afghanistan.

    Understanding Terrorism and the Boston Marathon Bombing

    Colonel Allen West Answers a Marine’s Question ~1:40 mark

  14. Muslim babies for Jihad!

  15. Can people start typing their name in the box, just put or any URL in the other box. Thanks.

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