Tuesday, December 10, 2013

OBAMCARE: Was Mitt Romney Right AGAIN?

The warning resounded through the 2012 presidential campaign. Massachusetts’ groundbreaking health reform, Republican nominee Mitt Romney said, would never work for the country as a whole. 
Democrats widely dismissed Romney’s comments as politically opportunistic, an effort to distance himself from the plan he backed as governor. Now, given the epic scale of problems that have bedeviled the rollout of President Obama’s plan, some state legislators, insurance and hospital executives, and others around the country are returning to Romney’s refrain.
Was the Massachusetts plan, in hindsight, really the best blueprint for the nation? 
“They should have allowed more flexibility on a state-by-state basis,” said Massachusetts state Senator Richard Moore, a Democrat and key architect of the state’s health reform law. 
While the Massachusetts model may work for some states, Moore said, imposing a uniform standard across the country was folly because it did not take into account the unique dynamics of local insurance markets, regional variation in health care delivery, and even the political and social culture of other states.
Obama and other Democrats in 2009 and 2010, when they were drafting their law, Moore added, would have been better served to use the Massachusetts model as a flexible framework for states to adopt over time, rather than a blueprint for a mandatory national plan.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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  1. Obama lied that he copied Mitt Romney's 'RomneyCare'? Surprised? No.

  2. He did copy it. Same exact advisors.

  3. Well of course we miss Mitt Romney. He was right about everything, as were a lot of people who tried to stop the inevitable. Too bad the American people were too stupid to realize it in time!


  4. Nope. Don't miss him. Good riddance to the RINO.

  5. cimbri, yup. It hurts, too.

