Saturday, December 28, 2013

House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy's Reaction to Immigration Reform Advocate's Pressure: Back-Off

Supporters of an immigration overhaul, looking for allies in the Republican-led House, concluded months ago that a top prospect would be Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy. 
His California district is 37% Hispanic. It is dominated by big farms that rely on immigrant labor. Mr. McCarthy has strong ties to Silicon Valley, where companies are eager for more high-tech visas. His perch as No. 3 House Republican gives him a voice in leadership and sway over what legislation comes to the floor.
John Boehner, Kevin McCarthy, and Eric Cantor
But an aggressive campaign to win his support appears to have backfired. People who have talked to him say Mr. McCarthy is less inclined to support an overhaul after protests at his district office by overhaul backers that, in turn, provoked counter-protests and TV ads from opponents of the legislation. 
People familiar with House GOP discussions say that Mr. McCarthy hasn't used his leadership position to press for moving immigration bills through the House, which adjourned for the year without taking any votes on immigration. 
In an interview, Mr. McCarthy said pressure from overhaul advocates was counterproductive. "If they continue their tactics, it's less likely they're helpful in solving the problem,'' he said. "They are less likely to have my ear."
The difficulty in winning over Mr. McCarthy, with his immigrant-dependent district, shows the steep challenge that immigration activists face as they push the House to pass legislation resisted by powerful voices in the Republican Party. 
Activists have staged protests around the country, gone for weeks without food, organized prayer vigils and pressed their case in meetings with top Republicans. Pleas have come from immigrants, priests, CEOs, police officers and Republican donors. So far, none of it has worked.
Read the rest of the Story HERE.

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