Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hospitals and Doctors across the Country are rebelling against Obamacare

Obamacare applicants across the country are finding their premiums are tripling, their favorite doctors aren't available, the physicians they can see are often far away and many prestigious hospitals offering specialized care are off-limits to them, according to a Washington Examiner survey of health insurance agents and brokers across the country. 
Agents associated with the National Association of Health Underwriters were contacted in 16 cites across the country. 
The agents were all certified by state insurance regulators to sell health insurance policies within and without the Obamacare exchanges. 
Their responses provide an alarming picture of the profound changes Obamacare is forcing on patients and health care providers. 
In parts of California, for example, low reimbursement rates have resulted in a doctor rebellion, as nearly seven out of 10 doctors refuse to participate in the exchanges. 
San Diego broker Neil Crosby told the Examiner that "65 to 70 percent of the providers have declined the reimbursement schedules the carriers are offering. They will not be providers in the exchange marketplace.” 
Similarly, agent David Fear in Sacramento said, "Roughly a third of the doctors are going to be accepted in the networks. I’m finding very few specialists in either the Anthem or Blue Shield networks.” 
Larry Harrison, an agent in Las Vegas, said the “lion’s share” of doctors there are staying away from the exchanges. 
On the other side of the country, broker Carol Taylor of Roanoke, Va., estimated that participating doctor networks there are shrinking by 70 percent in the exchange plans.
Read the rest of the story HERE and view a lelated video below:

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  1. I wonder how many of those allowed in hospitals after years of being denied coverage by rip off companies, due to pre exisitings are 'rebelling' against the ground breaking HealthCare law.

  2. Obamacare is a double negative when it comes to doctors:

    1. There is a doctor shortage anyway. The Baby boomer generation..many doctors are retiring because they don't want to deal with Obamacare and the reduced payments for their services.

    2. Obamacare has added millions more to medicaid because of the new and higher maximum income qualification. This addition makes a doctor shortage to begin with EVEN WORSE.

    Many of THE DOCTORS THAT ARE LEFT and hospitals are opting out...AGAIN...because of the reduction in payments for their services.

