Saturday, December 21, 2013

Gallup Poll: Big Government is the USA's Greatest Threat

A new Gallup poll finds 72 percent of Americans feel big government poses a greater threat to the United States in the future than big business or big labor, a record high since the polling outfit began asking the question nearly 50 years ago. 
The response suggests that far-reaching government policies, such as ObamaCare, along with recent revelations of NSA spying tactics, have helped raise concerns among Americans, the company said Wednesday.
"(The findings) may be partly a reaction to an administration that favors the use of government to solve problems," Gallup wrote. 
Big government has always topped business and labor as a concern since Gallup began asking the question in 1965, but its previous high was 65 percent in 1999 and 2000, before the Sept. 11 attacks helped rally American support for government institutions and officials.
During the Obama era, big government fears have increased steadily, from 55 percent in March 2009 to 64 percent in November 2011 to Wednesday's finding. Since Obama took office, an average of 64 percent of Americans have named big government as the nation's greatest threat, compared to an average of 56 percent during George W. Bush's presidency.
Read the rest of the story HERE and view a related video below:

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  1. "A new Gallup poll finds 72 percent of Americans feel big government poses a greater threat to the United States in the future than big business or big labor, a record high since the polling outfit began asking the question nearly 50 years ago."

    Where were these folks during the last election? 08-12 should have been a CLEAR SIGNAL that BIG GOVERNMENT was Barry's middle name...Yet...HERE WE ARE!

  2. Exactly. People were too busy watching Duck Dynasty, I guess.

    Obamacare gets screwier every single day. In my state, people are just now waking up to how bad things are, but curiously, the news media still will not criticize Obama or our gov for the debacle. And let's face it, the Oregon Health plan was working pretty fine (as far as bad gov programs go) until Obama came along and destroyed everything.

