Thursday, November 7, 2013

WAPO's 'The Fix' Current 2016 Political Rankings

The following are the 'current' 2016 rankings according to WAPO's 'The Fix':

10. Mike Pence
 9. Paul Ryan
 8. John Kasich
 7. Bobby Jindal
 6. Marco Rubio
 5. Jeb Bush
 4. Scott Walker
 3. Ted Cruz
 2. Rand Paul
 1. Chris Christie

Read the entire article HERE with specifics on each candidate.

MY current rankings using 'their 10'=

10. Mike Pence
 9. John Kasich
 8. Bobby Jindal
 7. Scott Walker
 6. Marco Rubio
 5. Jeb Bush
 4. Paul Ryan
 3. Rand Paul
 2. Ted Cruz
 1. Chris Christie

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  1. Yes, BOSMAN's 10 look pretty good actually.

    Bush and Rubio would both not run together though imo

    Interesting about S. Walker.
    Conservative and has got the job done, but without CC's mouth. He seems quiet and off the radar, but if you've seen him debate he's pretty good. Kind of relaxed but through. Find it weird though if he wins WI again in a year, then announces he's running the April or so afterwards. Always thought it's not fair on the state's people when candidates do that.
    Again, him and Ryan wouldn't both run imo. I don't think Ryan will.

  2. Also, to keep the flame of hope alive for some on here, you should have included a 'bonus #11': Former MA Governor and Former Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney

  3. 1 Dr. Paul
    2 Mr. Christie
    3 Mr. Cruz
    4 Mr. Bush
    5 Mr. Ryan
    6 Mr. Rubio
    7 Mr. Huckabee
    8 Mrs. Palin
    9 Dr. Rice
    10 Mr. Santorum

    1. Palin ? You have to be kidding.

  4. Well, that is a sad list. But I guess you have to go to war with what you have. Paul Ryan is the only one on that list I actually want to support right now.


  5. We need 10 Mormon candidates, topped by the former Governor.

    1. Bound to better than that list.

      And Romney could well be our best chance.

  6. LOL... throw out that list and start over.

    Only good candidate you have there is Paul Ryan... and as much as I like him.. I feel his chances are poor.

    The worst candidate on the list is Chris Christie. He has no chance. Conservatives will never vote for him and many within the GOP won't either.

    Our best bet may well be in the man that just ran.... Mitt Romney. Although he lost, he did very well against Obama. He came within 342,000 votes of defeating Obama.

    Romney has stated several times he will not run again. I hope he will reconsider. He could well be our best chance.

  7. "Only good candidate you have there is Paul Ryan... "

    "Our best bet may well be in the man that just ran.... Mitt Romney. Although he lost, he did very well against Obama. He came within 342,000 votes of defeating Obama.

    Romney has stated several times he will not run again. I hope he will reconsider. He could well be our best chance. "

    In a perfect world, thoughts like this would not even be allowed to enter people's heads.
    And while no one really wants to live in a picture perfect world, reading comments like those, one sometimes wishes you could.

  8. Craig, do you have a job or any kind of meaningful activity? Race and RS seem to be your entire life.


  9. 1 Ms. Coulter
    2 Mr. Levin
    3 Mr. Cruz
    4 Mr. Beck
    5 Mr. Limbaugh
    6 Mr. Rubio
    7 Mr. Lee
    8 Mrs. Palin
    9 Mr. Palin
    10 Mr. Hannity
    11 Mrs. Romney
    12. Tagg Romney

  10. Plus, since Craig is not a conservative, as he proves every single comment, should he be allowed to dominate the place where all conservatives can speak their mind?


  11. Martha,

    Romneyman is not Craig. And that's bad news for you.

  12. Pretty sure you are Craig and RM. No way you're not. Either way, you're not conservative, and shouldn't post here. The only thing I know you are for sure is anti-Mormon. It's the one standard you hold.


  13. Martha,

    Pretty sure is not good enough. It is two separate posters who don't even know each other. Too bad for you!

  14. lol thank's for defending me whoever you are!

    It's a pity I still get abuse. I mean, I've apologized lots of times for not being a Mormon.

  15. AnonCraigRM thinks he fools anyone? What a knucklehead.


  16. Don't worry about her.

    It takes all sorts in life.

  17. AnonCraigRM, you are a psychopath.


  18. She's done gone crazy paranoid again, RomneyMan.

  19. RomneyMan,

    What do you think about a Christie-Huntsman ticket? It could be our best shot to attract the Martha moderate types.

  20. This would be the ideal top 10. Forget about those other lists out there. In an ideal world, this would be the true list:

    (In no particular order):


    Pick your ticket form that lot and you're winning all round.
