Monday, November 18, 2013

Paul Ryan on Obamacare: "I just don't think the law is survivable" (Video 11-15-13)

The White House released a response to Rep. Ryan's remarks Friday evening:
“Representative Ryan, like many House Republicans, has worked overtime to sabotage or eliminate the Affordable Care Act and replace it with exactly nothing. Rep. Ryan’s answer has always been, ‘tough luck’ -- if you’re somebody whose rates go up every year, if you’re a woman who pays 50% more just for being a woman, tough luck. There hasn't been any indication of a willingness on his part to address this problem."

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  1. We need to sink it as soon as we can, while public sentiment is getting stronger and stronger against it. I don't know if that is soon, or in a few more months, but we can't blow it, as we are apt to do.


  2. I guess that he'll just concentrate on an amnesty law
