Saturday, November 16, 2013

Pathetic Numbers for Obamacare Enrollments: See where your state stacks Up...

The bottom-line number on didn't even meet the lowest of expectations: 26,794. 
That's the number of people who were able to navigate through the troubled federal health exchange's website to select a health insurance plan in its first month of operation, the administration said in a highly anticipated announcement Wednesday. 
All told, 106,185 individuals have selected an insurance plan through state and federal exchanges — and another 396,261 were found to be eligible for the expanded Medicaid insurance. Still, those numbers represent only 1% of the estimated 48 million Americans without health insurance, and are far short of the 7 million the Congressional Budget Office had said were expected to sign up in the first year.
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  1. I don't think the numbers in Texas is correct, I think it is a lot less than that just last Wednesday only 800 people when to check the site and under 200 had actually started to fill out the paperwork. These numbers are inflated!

  2. Romneycare had 123 their first month in MA. Fucking procrastinators!

  3. Romneycare was for UNINSURED ONLY.

    NO ONE who had insurance lost it or had their premiums increase.

    BTW...I was there...I KNOW.

    So much for comparisons...huh?
