Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Obamacare Fiasco: Walk away from your Coverage and Get Three Months Free

Tucked inside nearly 11,000 pages of the Affordable Care Act is a little-known provision that doles out three months of free health care to individuals who choose to default on their premiums. 
People who receive the federal subsidy to be part of Obamacare will be allowed to incur a three-month “grace period” if they can’t pay their premiums and then simply cancel their policies, stiffing the doctors and hospitals.
Their only repercussion is that they have to wait until the following year’s open enrollment if they want coverage on the exchange. 
“It will help break the system,” said Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, one of a core group of Republicans who oppose Obamacare. “This is a huge piece of evidence to show this can’t work, you will break the system and bankrupt people involved. 
“The hospitals, doctors and insurance companies will be left holding the bag. There will be disagreements over who will pay for what. Lawyers will get involved because we are talking about a lot of money,” he said. 
Under Section 156.270 of the Affordable Care Act, the insured needs to pay a premium for just one month before qualifying for the three-month grace period. The insurance company must pay the claims during the first month of the grace period; during the second and third month doctors and hospitals are left to collect unpaid bills.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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  1. There's got to come a time when one cesses to champion to the quest to:

    a) deny those who unfortunately have pre existings to get plans

    b) The vulnerable

    c) Those who can't stand their jobs the opportunity to leave, set up a business, without the fear of losing their coverage.

    There's got to be more to life than partaking in a crusade to deny paths to healthcare for so many people.

  2. Nice tip Bosman! 3 months free. Why pay the whole year if you don't have to! lol I mean, you could do this year in and year out, get all the healthcare you need, and save a lot of dough. Too bad for the insurance cos.

    Good gravy, what next?


  3. The problem is..WHO DO YOU THINK IN THE END will pay those hospitals and doctors when these DEADBEATS walk away? More than likely, YOU AND I with HIGHER COSTS for PREMIUMS..

  4. Bosman, just in case it wasn't clear, I was being sarcastic.

    This thing is the biggest policy disaster I have seen in my lifetime. And it affects everyone PERSONALLY. There is NO WAY to fix it, without nearly everyone feeling the pain. I can't believe it is happening, but maybe it will serve as a hard lesson. We can only hope. It may take years to sort it out, if we even can.


  5. I wonder what other goodies are tucked away in this crappy bill?

    Every day there seems to be something else.

  6. Romney/Ryan ran on Repeal and Replace. Now I see JesusCruz out there saying the same thing, and those very people who did not vote for Romney, are swooning. Sorry folks. If you did not vote for Romney/Ryan, you OWN obamacare. Suck it up.
