Saturday, November 16, 2013

No Immigration Bill This Year

Speaker John Boehner said Wednesday that the House will not hold formal, compromise talks on the Senate-passed comprehensive immigration bill, a fresh signal from the Republican leadership that the issue is dead for the year. 
The slow, relatively quiet death came more than four months after the Senate, on a bipartisan vote, passed a far-reaching bill that would provide a path to citizenship for the 11 million immigrants living in the country illegally and tighten border security. 
The fanfare for that bill was quashed by strong opposition among House Republican rank and file who reject a comprehensive approach and question offering citizenship to people who broke US immigration laws to enter the country. House incumbents also are wary of primary challenges from the right. 
One of the clearest signs that any action was unlikely was word that Senator Marco Rubio, a Republican from Florida, who had worked for months on the Senate bill, had abandoned the comprehensive approach. Rubio had taken political heat from conservatives after Senate passage of the immigration bill. 
MY KIND of Immigration
Boehner, an Ohio Republican, reiterated that the House is focused on a piecemeal approach to dealing with the issue. But he declined to say whether lawmakers will consider any legislation this year or whether the issue will slip to 2014, when the politics of congressional elections further diminish chances of action.
Read the full story HERE.

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  1. lol 'this year'

    i.e leaves a good few left for OB to finish off the GOP for good.

    And watch the GOP allow him to do it too

  2. This is a NO BRAINER. We have LAWS ALREADY...ENFORCE THEM....We have a border in name only...TRULY SEAL IT...START THERE!...ANY OTHER LAWS NEEDED should come after this is done.

  3. Romney says "Self-deportation!!!!!! Except for the wetbacks who mow my lawns, of course."

  4. Hey jackass, (0:10)

    When you hire a contractor to do work around your house, grounds work, roof, painting, etc. do you ask to see documentation on everyone that he sends to do the work?

    Or Maybe you think he went cruising through the streets of Belmont MA with a sign..'Hiring Illegals'?
