Saturday, November 9, 2013

Netanyahu/Kerry Meeting: If Looks Could Kill

All I had to do is look at Benjamin Netanyahu's face above to know what he REALLY THINKS of John Kerry and his views on Iran and Palestinian Peace efforts.

Below is there opening statements:

Later on in the day, Kerry met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas where he said the following about Israel's plans to build 3,500 new homes for settlers in the West Bank:
"Let me emphasize at this point the position of the United States of America on the settlements is that we consider them... to be illegitimate," Kerry said after discussions with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
Something tells me Israel doesn't care whether you consider them illegitimate or not.......If I was in Israel's shoes, I wouldn't either.

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  1. How in the hell did America get in the position to actually have John Freakin Kerry as Sec of State?

    Also, Kerry/Obama may officially represent the USA, but their position on all of this IS NOT the position of the American people. Not by a long shot.


  2. So . . . FRANCE leads the way, calling the proposed deal with Iran a 'SUCKER'S DEAL'. GOOD for France. Um, how did we get here?


  3. Having France's Hollande be tougher than the US is pretty embarrassing, if you ask me. Guess Pres. Healthcare doesn't care about Iran and nukes; just whether your comprehensive plan covers enough abortifacients. Seems like a good choice to me. NOT!!

    I read an article where the author pointed out that in Obama's world Iran can keep their nukes but Americans can't keep their healthcare. Pretty sad commentary on the state of things....

