Friday, November 22, 2013

Hillary Clinton Will Campaign On Repeal & Replace in 2016

That is not a misprint.

In response to the growing evidence that suggests that health insurance premiums are set to skyrocket due to the lack of interest in signing up for ObamaCare among young, healthy adults, Obama has decided to bet all of his chips on the November, 2014 elections by delaying 2015 enrollment for one month...or until a week after the election. The objective is to withhold the bad news of the expected very large jump in premiums to try to minimize the damage to the Democrat Party at the polls.

This desperate strategy will shift much of the inevitable voter anger in to the 2016 election cycle. Despite recently scolding Republicans for attempting to defund the disastrous law, and her own promise of "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan," Hillary will do everything possible to distance herself from ObamaCare, including a promise of full repeal. She will be left with no other option.

You heard it here first, on November, 22 2013.

Cross posted at Red State

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  1. I predict Ocare will be dead long before that. But if not, you are correct, she will distance herself. Her big problem is Benghazi.


  2. As long as Obama is president, it will never be repealed. He'll just keep tweaking it unilaterally as he sees fit.

  3. If Biden runs he'll attempt to distance himself from it too. "It was all Barack's idea." LOL

  4. Hillary will blame Benghazi on Obama too. The average low info voter won't pay much attention to that. ObamaCare will affect the pocketbook of everyone, so she'll have to argue for full repeal. Otherwise, she might as well stay home. She likely already knows this.

  5. It will be up to the Republcian nominee to remind everyone of HillaryCare, and her support of an approach similar to that of ObamaCare in 2007-2008.

  6. Maybe I'm being a tad optimistic, but the bad is only going to get worse in the coming weeks--much worse. Dems are getting real uncomfortable. It actually is possible they vote to repeal it, putting Obama in an awkward position. He might actually have to walk away. Not likely, but it could happen.


  7. Plus, I think Hillary can withstand OCare, no matter what happens. She is only slightly connected to it, and the 90's are a long long time ago. People have a tendency to be very forgiving of Hillary.


  8. She was arguing for a mandate in 2007, before Obama was. And we have that lovely YouTube video of her promising us "you can keep your plan."

    You have to remember, most Democrats who voted for the POS will still be on the ballot with her, and will prove to be a millstone around her neck. She has no choice but to try to wash her hands of it.

  9. RW, I know I remember HillaryCare. And I know she said it. But I still don't think the mess is going to stick to her all that much. The thing in her favor is Bill. He already distanced himself by chiding Obama last week or so. People are very very forgiving of the Clintons.

    I agree, the dems who voted for it are going to make it tricky.


  10. LOL, Bill has given full throated support for ObamaCare numerous times, including at the 2012 DNC convention.

    That YouTube video of Hillary saying, "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan" is from 2007.

  11. lol at these dreamland comments

    If Hillary ruins, she can run on fresh air and she'll landslide.

    Stop deluding yourselves and essentially grow up.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. If Hillary runs she'll look even more ragged three years from now. She is damaged goods, plain and simple. And for the democratic party in general, fooled me once, shame on you, fooled me twice, shame on me, fool me three times? It's not going to happen. People will demand real change.

  14. I note that this is Joel making predictions. Yes, that was written correctly: Joel making predictions.
    I think we can be spared that pain *again*, thanks all the same.
    I'm sure that I need not regurgitate your past dismal attempts.

  15. The only real pain not imagined pain that we are all experiencing is the ineptness of this administration. But it's alright because this president feels our pain and cares for the downtrodden. Only a fool believes that is the case.

  16. Joel, for some strange reason, a majority of Americans love Hillary. I can't stand her, but I'm/we are a minority! She's not damaged goods at all, to them. People can't wait to crown her. I know a lot of people say she's not viable, but I'm not one of them, lol.


  17. Conservatives are always underestimating their opposition. I remember Rush L saying over and over that any Republican nominee could beat Obama. Yeah right, the guy presided over a stock market that grew by 50% during his term, but yeah, he would be a pushover.

    Hillary will be tough to beat, because of the same old problem - demographics. Only 1 or 2 R candidates will be able to beat her.

    I have a somewhat darker view politically on the future of Ocare. Many people will be moved into Medicaid and they will be grateful and vote Democrat. If the Dems can solve the premium jump on so many people, Ocare will be a wash politically for the Dems.

  18. I'll make it official. Hillary will not win in 2016. Enough said. No need to debate the issue. Let's see where we are at three years from now.

  19. lmao

    A joel prediction
