Friday, November 15, 2013

(hahaha..) Sen John McCain says he's getting lots of pressure to run for President in 2016

Lots of Pressure? From Who?...The Democrats?
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said over the weekend that he's getting lots of pressure to run for president again, but that "it's not on my radar." 
McCain said previously that he's considering running for reelection when his Senate seat is up in 2016, when he will be 80 years old. 
"Particularly since the shutdown, I've had a spate of e-mails and letters and phone calls saying, 'Run for president again,'" McCain told The Arizona Republic. "As you know, I’m seriously thinking about running for re-election to the Senate. But I think, in the words of the late Morris K. Udall, as far as my presidential ambitions are concerned, 'The people have spoken — the bastards.'" 
In his book Too Funny To Be President, Udall, D-Ariz., attributed the quote to California Democrat Dick Tuck. Udall unsuccessfully sought the 1976 Democratic nomination for president.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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  1. This ignorant sob he should of been left in Hanoi would of been no loss to the US the man turns into a back stabbing traitor rubbing elbows with the very enemy we fight protecting our country McCain the best thing you can do u bastard is get lost .
