Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Cuccinelli Lost Because He Didn´t Win the Conservative Vote

Please read this election anaylsis from the conservative Daily Caller.

Fact: RINO Bob McDonnel won a much higher percent of the conservative vote in Viriginia than Cuccinelli did in 2013.

Fact: Had Cuccinelli been able to repeat McDonnell´s performance with self-identified conservatives, he would have easily won.

Fact: The reason why Cuccinelli lost had nothing to do with the establishment, but rather because self-identified conservatives didn´t go to the polls for Cuccinelli.

Fact: RINO Chris Christie had no trouble with conservatives in NJ, or, for that matter, anyone else.

My opinion: The talk radio crowd will continue to blame the establishment and the RNC and GOP donors because their low-information audience couldn´t care less about what actually happened in Virginia this month. Simply put, they want to believe that Cuccinelli was a good candidate for VA, just like they want to believe that Christie is a "RINO." And so, the talk radio entourage will continue to lie in order to keep its audience regardless of what exit polls show.

However, for those who really do care about our country, conservative "RINOs" are the best path forward for the GOP. If we can somehow break through the lies of talk radio, we might be able to do some good for this great country.

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  1. That's usually the case when a Democrat wins. I said this from the beginning. Cooch won Indies by 9, despite his being an "extremist right winger."

    You post this over a week later as if its some brilliant revelation.

    It would have been helpful if the party would have provided a little help with voter outreach. After all, that's usually what the machinery of the national party does for winnable races, no? Otherwise, why have a national party? Apparently, the Cuccinelli campaign was so short on cash, they were forced to go dark in the DC market, which spells death for a VA statewide candidate. Meanwhile, McCauliffe was free to flood the airwaves to paint Cooch as Satan.

  2. Pablo,

    You're becoming a one trick pony. It's been quite some time since you've written a post that didn't reference talk radio, and blast conservatives. I'm surprised you didn't mention the tea party or Sarah Palin in your post.

    Your posts have become very predictable. I knew what was in your post before I even read it.

  3. By the way, your link to the DC doesn't work.

  4. RW,

    I agee that I have become a one trick pony, however, the great debate within the conservative movement is whether we are going to promote a real conservativism that can win in the real world or whether we are going to promote a "conservatism" that exists solely to make a handful of media figures rich. Unfortunately, there is not much else to talk about right now given the current civil war in the GOP.

    Oh, Obamacare has been terrible so far. So we have a real opportunity to forge ahead if we don´t blow it.

  5. "Oh, Obamacare has been terrible so far." Yeah, despite the fact that people like you and other low information voters failed to see that until now.

  6. By the way, there is a greal deal of evidence that "Independents" today simply means people who normally vote Republican. That is why Romney won Independents and still lost the election. The problem is that Cuccinelli didn´t consolidate the conservative vote, nor did he win moderates. And that is the challenge for Republicans going forward: how to unite and win moderates.

  7. The lesson of Obamacare is that incrementalism works, and whole hog doesn't. It has worked for the democrats for DECADES now. But they went whole hog with Obamacare, and look where they are now! ha ha.

    Maybe there is a lesson in that for us, too. Maybe we should take our victories in small steps and not try to scare everyone away from us all the time by appearing extreme. We are making headway on life--in small steps. I regret that, but it appears to be the only thing that works.

    It doesn't matter who our candidates are if we do not have policies that make sense to Americans, and if we help the left paint us as extremists. Talk radio does a lot of damage to us. By and large they are nasty and self-serving and cherry pick facts to fit their narrative.

    I don't know why Cuccinelli lost, but I do think the party should have stepped in sooner, and I believe that he might have won had the election been two weeks later. But from everything I read, he was a flawed candidate from the beginning. If conservatives really did stay home, shame on them.


  8. Agreed, Martha. There is a little blame to going around. And incrementalism is the best political strategy. 40 yard hail maries to the end of the end zone do not work in politics. It´s about three yards and a cloud of dust. I wish it were easier, but it is not.

  9. Pablo, well you sure said it a lot better than I did.


  10. I can't remember the last time I agreed with a candidate more than 80% of the time.


    Whats the alternative? Someone I agree with A LOT LESS.

    ANY REPUBLICAN who STAYS HOME and does not vote AGAINST the candidate he likes the least is in simple terms and ASSHOLE!

  11. I knew there was a reason you went out of your way in your post to label Daily Caller as "Conservative," which is why I wanted to let you know about the broken link.

    The article was written by the former Chair of the VA Democrat Party.

  12. The 'true conservative' sweeping elections (esp general) are a figment in the minds of the right wing chat box 'hero'.

    Ken did well, ditto Angel, Buch, O'Donell....more?

    The right wing chat box 'heros' don't undersatnd that there are more US voters than the 15% or so 'true conservatives'.

  13. Do I need to provide a list of all of the establishment candidates who have lost winnable races over the past several years? The list is very long, as you probably know.

    You can start with the following summary of 2012 US Senate elections.,_2012

  14. The chat box mom's basement heros got to realize that there are more voters out htere than the far right ones.

  15. We've had it all before. Pick a 'staunch' conservative in the primary. Get to the general. Lights out when normal folk come out to vote.

    Look at the 'base inspiring' o'donnell, Buck, Angle, cooch

  16. Going back intime is not the answer.

    Pick a Cruz-like candidate in '16 and close your eyes and you'll watch Goldwater all over again.

    And that will be against ANY Dem nom. Don't even mention what would happen if Hillary rides into town.

  17. There may be some who actually may 'hope' for a 'staunch conservative' to get the nom. Why? They'll see Goldwater outcome version '16 and it will finally be a kiss goodbye to the chat box right wing heros for good.

  18. By the way, Pablo....your headline is incorrect. Cuccinelli won 83% of the conservative vote. Sloppy.

  19. RW, why do you think Cuccinelli lost? Why did he only get 83% of conservatives? That is insane, when you think about the alternative.

    Sure, there are losing candidates from all factions of the party. Nothing new there.


  20. RW, please reread the post. Cuccinelli lost because he got a smaller share of the conservative vote than did McDonnell. Obviously, he won more conservatives than his Democrat opponent.

  21. Martha,

    Because there weren't enough of them. The Libertarian getting 7% of the vote was ultimately the deciding factor though. If Cooch wan't forced to go dark in DC for the final two weeks, it could have been a different story. Money is everything in politics.

    My point is that Pablo's headline makes it look like McCauliffe won the conservative vote.

  22. BTW, I have to say....I'm getting a little put off by being lectured by people who insisted for years that Romney was electable.

  23. Let there be a Cruz-like nom in '16...let there be.

    Then perhaps after the Goldwater blow up the chat box hero/talk show chatterers will be dumped to the trash bins of history.

  24. RM,

    You keep repeating the same thing over and over. There's an annoying little twerp on Race42016 the does exactly the same thing. Any relation?


    lol not this *again*.

    Now who am I supposed to be *this week* now?

  26. If it looks like a Craig, and quacks like a Craig......

  27. lol

    you've had a few
    weeks off from it. Like how your batteries are refreshed.

  28. RW, "My point is that Pablo's headline makes it look like McCauliffe won the conservative vote."

    I didn't think that, but I guess I can see how it could have been clearer.

    But lol on Craig for losers. He can keep lying about it if he wants to, but it's undeniable.


  29. Apologies for not being Mormon

  30. RW,

    Romney clearly was electable. Clearly. Just because he didn´t win, doesn´t mean that he isn´t electable.

    The non-Romney´s were unelectable, except for maybe Huntsman.

  31. No, you watch, a far right Cruz-like nom will *excite the base* and heroically destroy Hillary, sweeping all the swings, turning previously blue states red too. You watch, the US want a far right tea partier.

  32. The Buck's, O'Donnells, cooches, Angles were all just hiccups.

  33. Yes, of course Romney was electable. He was by far the most electable. No one else on our side would have won the last election. Not any of our 'stars'. The only way we can win in 2016 is if Obamacare continues to go down the toilet, AND the GOP provides a solution. Doing immigration reform right now would kill us.


  34. Wow, Martha is both highly confused and dead wrong. A rare double. Leave it to her.

  35. Has Pablo ever written a blog post criticizing a Democrat. All we ever hear about from him is how much the Tea Party, Talk Radio and Conservatives suck.

    Pablo Sucks

  36. The fact that Pablo likes Huntsman and thinks that Huntsman is electable as a Republican says all that needs to be said. By 2016, he'll be telling us that we should vote for Clinton while once again trashing the Tea Party, Talk Radio and Conservatives. What a RINO twerp!

    Pablo Sucks

  37. Christie-Huntsman 2016

    You Suck More

  38. Looks like Craig for Losers stopped by. Here to ruin another website Craigie? We already have Pablo and RomneyMan for that.

    Pablo Sucks

  39. Ha, yeah I agree. Huntsman was a terrible candidate. period.


  40. Why all the hate for Huntsman, Martha?


    Jerald Sucks

  41. So the senate immigration bill is dead. Good. It would be nuts for the GOP to do it--especially as the democrat's boat is sinking.

    Obama: there is “no reason for House Republicans to continue to delay action on this issue"

    Oh really?

    The White house: "It would show the American people that Washington can still work together to solve our nation’s challenges".



    Read more:
    Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

  42. Why all the hate for comprehensive immigration reform, Martha?


    Jerald Sucks

  43. Craig for Losers = Chump Stain

    Pablo and Craig for Losers both Suck

    P.S. Who's Jerald Craigie?

  44. Who's mirror, Craigie? You really are a total chump! Go back to Race and continue to ruin that site...loser!

    Pablo & Craig for Losers both Suck

  45. Your mirror, Rombot :)

  46. Not a Rombot or Jerald...dumbass!

    Pablo & Craig for Losers Suck

  47. It's funny, because those that call themselves 'true conservatives' (read far right nuts) did not not go out to vote, but complained bitterly that cooch lost because the GOP did not give him money - when they did to the tune of over 8 million. Yet, the TeaParty organizations like FreeDUMBworks and Heritage gave... zip.
