Sunday, November 17, 2013

Chris Wallace Interviews Sen. Ted Cruz at the Atlantic Washington Ideas Forum (Full Video)

Pablo posted about this interview the other day, and made a big deal about two people in the audience clapping in opposition to Cruz. Here's the full interview. It sounds like a room full of journalists and Washington think tank types.

 Cruz did a masterful job. Much of the interview focused on ObamaCare. At one point, Cruz skillfully tied Hillary to ObamaCare by reminding the audience why there was so much opposition to HillaryCare in the 90s. In short, people wanted to keep their doctors and plans back then too.

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  1. He also indicated that he will be rolling out his own free market plan in the near future.

  2. And after watching this RWN Cruz drool upload, directly compare and contrast the all-round personable and base expandable skills of Rubio

    And then conclude that, in a country wide election, Cruz will never become president.

  3. I didn't watch this, but there's no doubt Cruz is as articulate as it gets. But he's also annoying as heck, not to mention arrogant and condescending. He will never make it as a national candidate.


  4. In fairness, and though it pains me to write it, except for the first half of her first sentence, Martha states reality in a concise, correct and excellent way.
