Tuesday, November 5, 2013

2016 GOP Primary Poll: Cruz Opens Up a 22 Point Lead Over Gov. Rick Perry In Texas

This is how you win the turnout battle in a national election. Focusing on winning Indies and Dems will result in another huge defeat for the GOP in 2016.
 ...Among Democrats, Cruz’s favorable/unfavorable ratings were 9 percent to 75 percent. But among Republicans, that flipped, 52 percent favorable to 19 percent unfavorable, and among Tea Party voters, his numbers were 92 percent to 2 percent. And among those Tea Party identifiers, 72 percent have “very favorable” opinions of Cruz..... 
H/T Texas Tribune

Full data here

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  1. lol, so the 'de facto' nominee will be out stumping for Kenneth in VA yeah? I mean, the election's slipping away, it's an apparent referendum on ObamaCare, and the all-important turnout will be vital....hence, call in Mr. defund/repeal ObamaCare, Mr, 'excite the base', Mr. turnout ICON??

    lol, even a slip sliding away Obamacare referendum turnout election sees Cruz given the big elbow.

    Now that's what I call potential

  2. Youtube the Britany Spears song 'Toxic'

  3. Chris Christie in the Texas poll. 4% LOL. Within margin of error of ZERO.

    Even though this is Texas, one would think the establishment choice would fare better than that.
