Thursday, October 17, 2013

You know All those Folks you're subsidizing in Obamacare? The Obamacare Exchange Website Asks them if they want to Register to Vote

Blown-up section of the screen capture below
The Obamacare exchange website is complicated to use and has seen more than a few glitches since it officially opened on October 1st, but the MacIver Institute has found that once you get through the application process, the website asks individuals to register to vote. 
The MacIver Institute was trying to use to compare rates on the Wisconsin exchange on Thursday and Friday. This requires an individual to fill out an application before the rates can be seen. Unfortunately, the website crashed before premium rates could be compared.
However, prior to the website crashing, which was not the first time during the application process, it was discovered that the Obamacare website actually tries to register individuals to vote. 
The link is optional, but the question remains, what does registering to vote have to do with signing up for Obamacare?

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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1 comment:

  1. Yeah...MAKE SURE YOU REGISTER TO VOTE on these Obamacare Exchange Websites...So that we can 'continue' and better TAKE CARE OF YOU..

    AFTER ALL, The work phobic..serial Public Trough feeders vote, is a terrible thing to waste.
