Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ted Cruz Receives 14 Minute Standing Ovation From Large Crowd Of Fellow Texans

Ted Cruz clearly has the support of the people he was elected to represent. Night after night he's attracting massive crowds in his home state.

Here's a report from an appearance in Arlington, where a raucous crowd reportedly gave him a 14 minute standing ovation. McCain, McConnell and the rest of the Senate RINOs couldn't pay that many people to show up to see them.


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  1. Romney mustered that enthusiasm.

  2. RW, pardon me, but so what. The damage he's doing to isn't worth it. Conservative policy goals are FAR more important than Cruz popularity in Texas!

    Do you remember me saying time and again that the people he really wants to fight are fellow Republicans, including conservatives? That has become even more clear since the shutdown ended.

    He is doing great damage to the conservative movement because he is more concerned with his own popularity than in moving conservative policy forward in achievable ways. And I think that is utterly reprehensible.

    He is dead to me. I will never consider him for 2016 or beyond. Neither will I consider him a serious public servant. Now the only thing that remains to be seen is exactly how much damage he is able to get away with. The tea party elevates him at our peril.


  3. Honestly, Rand Paul is gaining in my eyes, while Cruz is losing--big time. I never thought I would say it, but Paul is starting to prove his worth.


  4. What if he were a Mormon?

  5. I actually think Rand Paul is v.good

    Think he can come across as the 'thinking man's' candidate though. Looks at this abstractly.

    Whether that can muster MUCH wider every-day appeal is open to question.

  6. Ted Cruz is not the answer regardless of how many standing ovations from his devoted followers. He doesn't have the finesse required to gain universal appeal from all segments of the party, Not to mention independents, etc. I see his star fading rather than rising. He will be a non-factor in the end.

  7. RW, plus I think Cruz is condescending, rude and arrogant. He really doesn't seem to have a whole lot of respect for fellow conservatives. He's happy to call names and separate himself from the very people he ought to be trying to work with to achieve his goals. Which makes me suspicious that he really doesn't care about the goals he claims to care about. I honestly don't know what anyone sees in him.


  8. Yes, but if he were a MOrmon...

  9. Martha, Needless to say, I disagree with EVERY word you wrote. I'm not even going to bother with it.

    I agree with RomneyMan. If Cruz were a Mormon, he'd be the Second Coming. LOL. Don't sweat it too much yet. Maybe Hunstman or Chaffetz will run.

  10. Conservative policy goals are FAR more important than Cruz popularity in Texas! - Martha

    I would also remind you that Cruz draws crowds like this everywhere he goes. Not just in Texas. There's a reason so many GOP primary candidates are running as "the next Ted Cruz." You are so off base, there's really no help for you at this point. That's what happens after 6 years of living and breathing all things Mitt Romney.

  11. RW, ha ha. The Mormon card is lame and false, and what's worse is that you know it. It's pretty funny that you align yourself with Craig, though. What does that tell you? lol

    Explain how Cruz is actually doing any good, and not harm. Because from where me and a lot of other conservatives sit, it's hard to justify his actions, and not see that is he at best, a laughing stock, at worst an Obama plant.


  12. From headline at Drudge. OCare may be delayed.

    Yeah, that Ted Cruz. What an idiot.....

  13. Every Senate Dem running for reelection to support OCare delay according to CNN's Dana Bash.

    Darn that Ted Cruz!

  14. Hmmmm, drearily eyes, looking up with head tilted to the side..thought bubble appears...if only he were Mormon...

  15. RW, Cruz has noting to do with ACA being delayed. Zilch. In fact, he only distracted from the failure of it. It is the failure of it itself, that is delaying it.


  16. RW, I suspect that your enthusiasm for Cruz has a lot more to do with Palin, than anything else. He is her guy, so he is your guy?


  17. I hope there is not a delay of the ACA. I hope Obama digs in and we can watch it crash big time. Unfortunately, a delay could possibly save it.


  18. An Indiana hospital just axed 2000 employees today. Yes, Martha. More of that please.

    Really? Palin also endorsed Rino Orrin Hatch, but you don't see me praising him. I call my own shots.

  19. The crash and burn crowd has no concept of the ramifications to our health care system and the economy as a whole.

    Martha, the other day, you expressed hope that it can be repealed after the 2014 elections. HELLO! Obama will still be President. 2016 will be too late. This law will do more than any event in our history to destroy our economy, and it will likely take decades to recover from.

  20. 14 mins of one of those Cruz home events:

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Looking sharp in that blue jacket

  23. Insurance companies canceling policies by the hundreds of thousands. Including 300,000 in Florida.

    "Let it burn" - Martha.

    That defund strategy was really stupid, wasn't it?

  24. Let know one say politicians ain't got great dress sense

  25. RW, I'm just as upset as anyone about the ACA. It is the most destructive thing imaginable, in every single aspect. The website problems are cosmetic, the real problems are deeper. I guess I fear that if Obama is given time, he will somehow fix it enough, and we'll still be held to it. I don't know the best way to destroy it for good.


  26. And yes, the defund strategy was really stupid.


  27. There are so many problems with this law that my head is spinning. I can't even keep track of all the reasons it needs to die.


  28. "There are so many problems with this law that my head is spinning"

    Yes sucks don't it, when pre existings can finally get affordable cover. Sucks don't it, when people can stay stuff you to their annoying boss and start a new job without losing their care.

    Makes the old head spin eh

  29. I hate to say it, but Cruz and all of the Republicans are really just bystanders in the drama to unfold. It will probably work good enough to stay the law for a few years at least. Cruz or no one else can kill the law, so all the machinations are just PR.

    The Rs should have rolled up their sleeves back in 2009, and tried to negotiate and mitigate the damage from "universal health insurance", rather than simply opposing it. By opposing it, en masse, they made themselves irrelevant to the process. The latest Republican (Tea Parties) salvo is just more of the same strategy that hasn't worked on the ACA since 09.

  30. We in Utah also don't like Cruz, adn we don't like Lee's crap either. He is up for re election, and one of two things will happen here. We will find a viable candidate in the GOP to run against him - and win, or Jim Mattheson will run for that seat, and will win with GOP votes. And yes, Lee is Mormon. And we will vote him out in a microsecond.

  31. It might have been good if Romney's *inspiring campaign* had mentioned ObamaCare once or twice.

  32. Mattheson = a Mormon. What is it about UT- do you need to be a Mormon to get across the boarder? Bizarre state.

  33. I'm sure glad I never was subjected to some wako childhood indoctrination.

  34. Lee isn't going anywhere. Keep dreaming.

  35. Romney did mention it. He said he would give a 50 state exemption from the ACA. If only he had been elected.

  36. I should retract part of my earlier message. Many Rs in the House did offer various proposals and they were quickly shot down by Obama, Reid, et al in 09.

  37. Wow, very Cruz-like. 2010 elections were melted due to ObamaCare. He hardly made it an issue all through the pre primaries (6 months later!!) and onwards.
    Why? As conservatives thought he was the LAST person to start mouthing about ObamaCare,

  38. Quit all your innuendos about who isor isn't Mormon. It is irrelevant and it is uncalled for. Just because one cannot see the difference in an individuals agenda and/or lack of statesmanship has nothing to do with their religious beliefs. So keep religion out of this discussion as it has no place here.

  39. This is not a religious chat.

  40. It was clever of Cruz to go to the front of the pack as the foremost opposition to the ACA. He did something dramatic that separated himself from the me too anti-ACA people. Good gamble that may pay off. He's not thinking like a legislator, he's thinking in terms of the future and running for president.

  41. Imagine if all 46 Senate Republicans would have stood shoulder to shoulder rather than attack those who were trying to save us all from this disaster. Sure, 46 is not enough to win the vote in the Senate, but don't you think a few Dems might have at least thought about joining the cause? Turns out the Rinos gave the Dems cover because they didn't want Cruz to get the credit. It really is all about ego with these guys who refuse to live under the laws they create.

  42. RW, you're kidding me. That is utterly ridiculous spin. There never was a path to defund, no matter how much shoulder to shoulder. It was the wrong fight. You cannot live in a fantasy world.
    Plus, it had exactly nothing to do with not wanting Cruz to get the credit, give me a break.

    Cruz is the one with the ego problem. BTW, I'm getting tired of him dissing congress, including calling Boehner and McConnell party bosses. What a child. Boehner bent over backwards trying to play the pointless Cruz game. This has got to stop or Cruz is going to blow every chance we have in 2016.

    Like I said, he may be a plant. He's playing right into Obama
    s hand to kill the GOP.


  43. Diane Sawyer just gave the ACA fiasco exactly 20 seconds. So this is how it goes.


  44. Craig = RM = anti-Mormon imbecile.


  45. Diane Sawyer just gave the ACA fiasco exactly 20 seconds. So this is how it goes.


    You know who gave it more than 20 hours. Someone had to do it. In due time, the low info crowd will be thanking Cruz for his efforts. Maybe you will too. Every day between now and the end of the year, millions of Americans will discover that their premiums and deductibles are skyrocketing or that their losing their current coverage. Apparently, all is well with YOUR coverage? Or, have you just not been notified yet?

  46. It's rather convenient to hope for misery for others when all is well in their house. Millions of people losing their jobs and coverage will affect all of us in one way or another. 10 years from now, when we're all living under a European style single payer program, we can all look back on this and have a good laugh, eh? That damn Ted Cruz.

  47. RW, the 46 senators thing wouldn't have worked. You can't do this as an "in your face" rebellion and not expect Dems to line up behind their leader. McConnell's strategy is more effective (legislatively, that is).

    This will take a while to percolate. You're not going to kill it, in its infancy. Maybe in a few years, but my guess, is this will take at least 5 years to overhaul. I agree with Martha that the delays are just what the doctor ordered for the ACA to survive. That's why you will start seeing Dems gravitate to it very soon. The delays will give them time to issue more executive orders, tweak the websites, etc.

  48. RW, Cruz isn't and wont be responsible for it going down, but the law itself. Like you say, millions of voters losing the insurance they like, and millions upon millions paying a lot more. I read that 16 out of 19 million with individual plans were cancelled. And Obama gets away with the lie that we could all keep our coverage.

    BTW, I am not insured, but now I'm thinking we'd better get on my hubbys work plan. Haven't checked it out yet, though. I wouldn't go near that exchange.

    I don't want anyone to be miserable. I want the ACA to die. And delaying it might help Obama.


  49. I don't hate Ted Cruz, and my brother who lives in Texas, i.e., votes in Texas seems to like him. I would be very surprised to see Matheson win a senate seat in Utah. He's lucky top be able to hold onto his new congressional district. The results of Obamacare is going to make Lee and Cruz more popular not less because they stood up against it. Like them or hate them, they actually warned people about what's ahead, which will be remembered. Winston Churchill nearly lost his seat in parliament in the 30's because of his very unpopular anti-hitler stance. When the Brits were forced to fight him, Churchill was their only choice because he was the only politician who hadn't kissed the ring. (See William Manchester's great THE LAST LION series).

    I am not a passionate fan of Cruz or Lee, but I don't think it's wise to assume that their very vocal opposition to the ACA may do well for them over the course of time....

    Meanwhile, Obama and the dems didn't manage to end the hatred sequester, which was their goal in the budget fight. I have heard very few people talk about this, but it appears to be true. We need to pass it on. Maybe Bosman should run run a story about it. I think my source sourced Fred Barnes. He is inside the beltway, so he probably does know what the dems wanted. Sure wish we could actually cut more than just the rate of spending growth, but it's better than what the dems did with no budgets for years.


  50. I meant that it's not wise to assume that their very vocal opposition will not serve them well....

