Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sure the Security is Ready...Yeh Right: Hackers blamed for NY’s ObamaCare Breakdown

The numbers just don’t add up. 
The “abnormally high traffic” that crippled New York’s ObamaCare Web site for two days may have resulted from a malicious attack by hackers, computer-security experts said Wednesday. 
The NY State of Health site recorded an astounding 10 million visits after opening for business Tuesday — although there are only about 1.1 million state residents without health insurance and just 330,000 are expected to buy ObamaCare for next year.
By comparison, the federal government’s heavily promoted site — a portal to the sites for all 50 states, the District of Columbia and America’s territories and commonwealths — drew just 4.7 million visitors the first day. 
Late Tuesday, NY State of Health Executive Director Donna Frescatore said technicians were “looking into the cause of this abnormally high traffic.” 
Darien Kindlund, manager of threat intelligence for the FireEye network-security company, said “the sheer volume” of visits to New York’s site pointed to a possible “distributed denial of service,” or DDoS attack, in which virus-infected computers bombard a site with traffic.
“The numbers are fairly compelling,” Kindlund said. 
Hemant Jain, vice president of engineering for Fortinet, a network-security firm, said that “because [ObamaCare] is such a political issue, it could very well be a DDoS attack.” 
“Certainly, you don’t expect everyone to wake up and access a Web site like that, so I have a feeling it may be an attack,” he said.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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  1. How many times have we heard Team Obama tell us that Our Data is safe at the Exchanges and Data Hub? The security is up and working?

    I know, I know, It's not a security's a 'GLITCH'.

    So EVERYTHING IS FINE other than 'glitches' the NEW NAME for a BAD SYSTEM RUN AMOK....SECURITY BREACHES...HACKERS infiltrating and overloading the exchanges.


  2. Thank you for this great viewpoint on a serious problem, ObamaCare. I second the motion, "Don't drink the koolaid."

    National suicide is a strange solution for deficit spending. Time to wake up to the truth, socialism is a failure.

    Putin warned us that socialism doesn't work. We should know better than this.

    Hey, remember how well capitalism worked? Have you noticed America is so great that many people want to come here, they even sneak into our borders.
