Friday, October 4, 2013

Rep Paul Ryan: Government Shutdown could be better resolved by tying it to fight over the Debt Ceiling

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said Tuesday that the best way for Congress to resolve the standoff over the government shutdown is to tie the matter to the looming fight over raising the debt ceiling. 
The federal government shut down at midnight on Tuesday as Republicans refused to keep it funded without attaching a provision that would delay Obamacare for a year. Meanwhile, the government is set to hit its debt limit on Oct. 17, which gives lawmakers two weeks to reach an agreement on how much to raise it and whether to attach any other provisions. Ryan, the chairman of the House Budget Committee, said Congress should tackle both matters together.
"We have a debt limit coming," he told reporters. "Most budget agreements in the past have always involved debt limit increases. We think that's the forcing mechanism, just like the Budget Control Act that President Obama signed before." 
Ryan was referring to the debt deal that Congress passed and President Barack Obama signed in 2011, which included, among other things, raising the debt ceiling and lining up sequestration cuts. Beyond that, Ryan pointed to the Bowles-Simpson deal, the 1997 budget agreement and the 1990 budget agreement as examples of other deals that came together in the context of raising the debt ceiling.
"That's what we think we need. A forcing action to bring two parties together," Ryan said. "We don't want to close the government down. We want it open. But we want fairness ... We want a budget agreement that gets the debt under control."
Read the rest HERE. (

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1 comment:

  1. I think Paul Ryan is certainly capable of bringing some sanity and resolution to this situation. I hope that whatever the leadership comes up with, is accepted, and that the House sticks together like glue!

    Now that we are here, after sort of botching the CR, we need to stand strong on the debt ceiling, because there's no way Obama can ride that out, still refusing to negotiate. No way. But it means Repubs are going to have to compromise. So I hope that the hardliners in the GOP realize that. But I think we can truly get something out of this. I hope we don't eventually cave and end up with nothing.

