Monday, October 21, 2013

Obamacare Website not Tested until ONE WEEK before Launch

Federal officials did not permit testing of the Obamacare website or issue final system requirements until four to six days before its Oct. 1 launch, according to an individual with direct knowledge of the project. 
The individual, who spoke on condition of anonymity, described the troubled Obamacare website project as suffering from top-level management disarray, changing systems requirements and recurring delays. 
The root cause of the problems was a pivotal decision by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services officials to act as systems integrator, the central coordinator for the entire program. Usually this role is reserved for the prime information technology contractor.
As a result, full testing of the site was delayed until four to six days before the fateful Oct. 1 launch of the health care exchanges, the individual said. 
Federal officials were “freezing requirements in time to permit full testing at all levels of the site — integration testing, user testing, performance testing and tuning,” the individual said. 
“Normally a system this size would need 4-6 months of testing and performance tuning, not 4-6 days,” the individual said.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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  1. ObamaCare must sure be great if petty things like this are supposed 'attention grabbers'

    lol, name any system that hasn't had glitches upon entry?

    Yeah, yeah,,oh but they've had years ..yawn

    Bottom line: Glitches or no glitches, it'll get sorted in the end and ObamaCare's here to stay.

  2. Why are we not surprised. lol

    Plus, why does anyone even bother to talk about firing Sebelius. This administration doesn't play by normal rules. No one gets fired for gross incompetence. Primarily because the man at the top is grossly incompetent.


  3. I can here the cry as Incompetent workers everywhere get fired from their jobs and are indignant over their situation...Kind of a War cry as to WHY WAS I Fired,..."Remember OBamaCare".

    Why not point to this fiasco as an example of poor and shoddy work that gets a pass and in some quarters rave reviews.

    OBAMACARE...The Poster Child for collective incompetence everywhere as fired workers in the public and private sector cope with a job loss and try to understand why they didn't get a pass like Team Obamacare.

    After all, this is Obama's America where a job is a right and competence is in the eye of the beholder?

  4. Yeah, I've had another look. ObamaCare's still going ahead.

    Never mind.

  5. It's looking like the one year delay the GOP wanted in the shutdown, would have been counter-productive - politically. It would have given Obama cover, and time to fix things. So now I'm glad we didn't get it! Let the world see how government taking over your life really turns out.


  6. Martha, problem is people are suffering....losing their jobs and healthcare or paying thousands of dollars more (me) for employer sponsored care. You and I both know the longer this continues, the louder the cries for single payer will be. A delay would have bought us a little more time. 2016 will likely be too late.

  7. RW, yes, I am afraid this might lead to single-payer. They will turn this lemon into lemonade. Because even though people are suffering under this, they are still basically clueless. At least too many are.


  8. Yeah, it will all be blamed on the big bad insurance companies.


  9. Yeah, just had another look. Nothing's changed for a few hours ago.

    ObamCare's still the law and is still going to be happening.

  10. I spent over 3 hours last week, trying to get my family set up. I never succeeded. I spent an hour this am, and found out I had to start all over. (Even though I've 'registerd' about a dozen times last week already.) Now my daughter, who was born in Salt Lake, suddenly has a 'immigration documentation' problem? so Obama was able to find 2 people in the US who was able to get it done. Hurray for them. Meanwhile, that fine is looking mighty tempting. (Time is money). Ellie

  11. I see Ted Cruz is still out fighting Republicans. Nice strategy, Ted!

    Yeah, I am really starting to believe the people who say he's a plant.


  12. Yes, I wonder how he would have done in the foreign policy debate, whose anniversary is 1 year tomorrow. YOu know, the f.policy debate which saw OB hand Romney's a**e to him, and afterwards Cruz commented that he thought Romney was going to 'French kiss' him.

    lol, Cruz was sure right on that one.
